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Moderation Update: Comments on Loadouts

Hello everyone, MeatShield here. It has been brought to my attention that the comments section on loadouts has been suffering from the toxicity and negativity of one or more users. I've been able to find at least three of their aliases ("No", "Anon", and "GenericUsernameHere"), and contacted them via email...

S05 Tooltips are Fully Loaded!

Thanks to a hotfix patch deployed by the Karl.gg dev Rawrocopter, I was able to finish loading the last four new Overclocks! I also updated a couple of other weapon upgrades with new information, like SMG T5.C (thanks Riku), Autocannon OC NTP (thanks Riku), Crossbow T1.B (thanks Dagadegatto), and Cryo...

S05 Tooltips are Partially Loaded

Hey folks, MeatShield here. Short post. I've been hard at work toinght updating Karl.gg with the 13 new Overclocks added/reworked in S05: Drilling Deeper. Unfortunately, I ran into a technical issue that I wasn't prepared for. Right now the database behind the website only has seven OC slots available for...