This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Unfunny swarf on 10/04/2022

CRSPR Flamethrower
Face Melter
Subata 120
Automatic Fire
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Loadout Guide
CRSPR Flamethower Don't discriminate, kill EVERYTHING except for lootbugs and any friendly creatures.
- Tier 1 is preference
- More ammo in tier 3 and 4 because using fear or more fire rate isn't worth it, trust me.
Subata 120 Use it as against web/acidspitters or as a finisher for bigger enemies.
- Keep Recoil Compensator in Teir 3, it's nice and better than 1 more damage.
- Tier 4 depends on what you use it for.
- Tier 5 is preference
Satchel Charges
- 3 1 1 2 is best for combat
- 3 2 2 3 for bunkers and lazy mining
- Axes are the best since you already have face melter which destorys hoards and you good direct damage. Use like 1 or 2 axes on a big enemy and if they aren't dead then use the Subata.
- HE grenade is literally useless.
- Neurotoxin is if your CC class doesn't have enough CC. I don't use it too much but it's actually pretty good. Use on large groups to slow them down. BUT if you want throw it onto a large group and ignite that cloud with your flamethower for some damage.
Perks I use
- Resupplier, resupply faster and get more health.
- Vampire, get +5 health on kill with your pickaxe, impact axe or drills.
- Elemental Insulation, 30% damage reduction against any elemental damage.
- Friendly, you know who you are.
- Dash, get's you out of trouble with ease and stops any slow affects
- Iron Will, gets you out of a downed state and makes you invincible for 12 seconds, any health recieved in these 12 secodns will prevent you from going down after the 12 secodns are over. As for single player people this can serve as like a another life as it won't use up a bosco revive if you use iron will and get health.
- Heightened senses, can warn you about cave leeches and grabbers but making the tiop half of your screen go white, you can also escape leechs or grabbers twice.
- Field medic, get downed team mates up faster and as a one time use you can get them up instantly.
I don't even have Face Melter lmao