This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by MusNothus on 19/11/2023

Deepcore GK2
Zhukov NUK17
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
Perks: vampire, resupplier, elemental insulation, iron will, field medic
I explain this in more detail in my Scout Mobility Guide and my Cryo Minelets Guide on the Drilling in the Name of channel on YouTube , as well as in my AI Stability Engine loadout (which is updated for Season 3) and my Cryo Minelets loadout here on
I should also mention that I will occasionally take "momentum" in tier 4 of the grappling hook (which just comes down to personal preference). And if I see that tunnel rat is the current beer, I will often switch to "safety first" in tier 4 of the grappling hook because then I will be completely immune to fall damage because of how these fall damage reductions stack.
And I should acknowledge that there is a good argument to take 222 on the flare gun because this means you get an "extra" flare with each resupply because of how the game rounds odd numbers, which AxisKronos explains in this video (resupply rounding actually works the opposite way with satchel charges because they don't have a magazine). I still prefer to take double duration boosts, though, because I find that the ammo is already enough and I like being able to shoot a flare and forget about it rather than having to constantly re-flare a room.
I rarely change the other aspects of this loadout, however, except for occasionally some of the perks depending on the mission I'm going into (e.g., I take beastmaster on regenerative bugs and so for those missions I drop field medic). And specifically for industrial sabotage missions - since cryo does nothing to robots - I often change my zhukovs to "embedded detonators" (for which I get rid of "blowthrough rounds" in tier 4 and use "expanded ammo bags" instead since there's such a huge ammo penalty), and I change my grenade to IFGs (I also change tier 5 of the zhukovs from "get in get out" to "conductive bullets" to pair with the IFGs and because we'll be intentionally reloading frequently so we'll almost never empty our entire magazine), but I keep my GK2 loadout the same because AI stability engine is great against the robots' small weakpoints and against the caretaker because you can safely snipe it from far away and use your big weakpoint damage bonus (you could consider switching to "hollow point bullets" in tier 4 for even more weakpoint damage on those missions, too). Otherwise, I generally still stick with cryo minelets and cryo grenades even in glacial strata, though.