Spacepillow's Swarm Clearin' Support Gunner

by spacepillow on 10/03/2024

Salutes 6

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon icon
+3 Direct Damage
x2 Magazine Size
+220 Max Ammo
x0.7 Base Spread
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+0.6 Min Rate of Fire, x1.5 RoF Scaling Rate
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+2 Area Damage
+4 Direct Damage
+400% Armor Breaking
+0.6m AoE Radius
x1.1 Direct and Area Damage when at Max Rate of Fire
Deal 50% Fear Factor to enemies within a 1m radius of bullet impact. The radius of the Fear gets the same increases as the Area Damage.
When at Max Rate of Fire, you take x0.5 damage from all sources (50% Damage Resistance).
Neurotoxin Payload

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun icon
+3 Direct Damage
x0.6 Spread per Shot, -30% Base Spread
+1 Penetration
x0.5 Recoil
-0.7 Reload Time
+2 Rate of Fire (translates to less time between bursts)
+12 Magazine Size
+3 Direct Damage
+200% Armor Breaking
+72 Max Ammo
+40% Weakpoint Bonus
Stun an enemy for 4 seconds if all 3 shots in a burst hit
+3 Bullets per Burst, -0.02 sec delay between bullets during burst
Electro Minelets

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon

Loadout Guide

This build will let you annihilate bugs and pin down major threats with minimal ammo use. DoT is king. I use this on Haz 5, EDDs, and really any mission where someone else can do single-target damage. Read below for a mod breakdown and then a primer on status effects and general tips.

Mod Breakdown

Autocannon - Neurotoxin Payload:

Tier 1: It usually takes under 10 shots to apply neurotoxin and fear to a large group of bugs, but we might as well give ourselves more ammo. Extra damage can be argued for here -- if nitra isn't a concern, you can take T1A to have an easier time taking out spitters, macteras, and wardens.

Tier 2: Most of our damage output should be coming from neurotoxin's DoT, not our area/direct damage; RoF upgrades only help us waste ammo. A tighter base spread makes it easier to hit enemies from far away, and it helps with destroying beamers in escort missions.

Tier 3: We'll be selecting +Direct Damage. +AoE damage is a drop in the bucket compared to the NT damage that bugs will be taking. +D.Damage helps us take out bulkier enemies, or enemies that need to die quick (like macteras).

Tier 4: This selection shouldn't need much explaining. +AoE radius makes it easier to apply fear and neurotoxin.

Tier 5: Fear works spectacularly well with this build and you'd be a fool to choose anything else.

BRT7 - Electro Minelets:

Tier 1: Blowthrough rounds are essential on any "Minelets" overclock. Without this upgrade, bullets won't become minelets if they hit an enemy.

Tier 2: +RoF makes it easier to quickly get minelets on the ground. The other upgrades in this tier don't do much for us.

Tier 3: +Mag size brings us back to our standard 24-bullet magazine.

Tier 4: Usually hollow point bullets are my go-to pick, but we're using the BRT as a utility, so ammo is more useful than weakpoint damage.

Tier 5: Burst Stun can be useful sometimes, but we're really picking this for better control.

How To Use

Explaining status effects and how we use them

  • With this build, you become your team's swarm clearer. Most of your damage output should come from Neurotoxin's DoT, not your direct/area damage.
  • Every bullet fired by this autocannon has a 25% chance to apply fear (50% base fear, but most enemies have a 50% resistance) and a 50% chance to apply Neurotoxin to any bug within a radius of 2.6m.
    • You'll get a feel for this, but I find it takes ~10 bullets to apply Neurotoxin and Fear to a large swarm. This number varies based on the size of the swarm and their placement.

  • Neurotoxin lasts for 10 seconds, slows bugs down to 70% of their movement speed (30% slowdown), and does 12 poison damage every 0.75-1.25 seconds (12dps average). 120 poison damage after 10 seconds, per bug.
  • On Haz 5: Grunts have 90 health, Slashers have 178 health, Guards have 324 health, Acid Spitters have 144 health, Web spitters have 48 health.
  • One application of NT and the accompanying AoE damage should be just enough to take out grunts and web spitters.

  • Fear makes affected enemies flee 10m away from the source of fear. They get a 1.5x move speed while fleeing, but bugs can still be slowed via NT, electrocution, etc.
  • Most bugs have 50% fear resistance.
  • 50% fear chance on the autocannon vs a 50% resistance = a 25% chance to fear an enemy per bullet.
  • Oppressors, Dreadnoughts, Detonators, and Sentinels are immune to regular sources of fear. See you in hell, bosco revives, etc affect everything.
  • Read the status effects page on the wiki for details, but Fear interrupts a Praetorian's spray attack, and Mactera attacks. Fear doesn't interrupt Goo Bombers.
  • This means you can fire into Macteras to stop them from killing you and your fellow dwarves. This build isn't great against macteras: We capitalize on DoT and enemies running away from us, but Macteras need to be killed as quickly as possible, and they exhaust the fear effect very quickly. Ideally, macteras should be warded off with your autocannon until your teammates can take them out. If you're alone, apply Fear and NT and either re-apply fear until you kill them, or seek cover and let the DoT kill them.
  • Fear can only be applied after an enemy has finished fleeing, and can't be re-applied before then.

  • Electro Minelets apply Electrocuted for 6 seconds. Electrocuted does 3 damage every 0.25 seconds (12 DPS, 72 damage after 6 seconds), and slows bugs down to 20% of their movement speed (80% slowdown).
  • Electrocuted and NT slowdown stacks. Fear's duration benefits as well, since fear lasts as long as it takes a bug to flee 10m.
  • Try to space out your minelets. No point in one bug triggering 3 in the same place.
  • Electrocution is perfect for pinning down more troublesome enemies. The next time you hear a teammate say, "Oh s#@t, a bulk det!", your job is to fire your minelets at the thing's feet so it can't corner you. 80% slowdown for 6 seconds lets you and your fellow dwarves not get eaten by a bulk detonator.
  • Slashers and spitters will go down with NT + Electro. Guards are a bit beefier and NT+electro will basically pin them and leave them useless, but it'll only eat ~half their health after 10 seconds. Guards aren't a threat to you unless they're in an important area or you forget about them.
  • Dreadnoughts and korloks have 50% resistance to electrocution. 50% resistance halves both DoT and the slow effect. Shellbacks and Opressors cannot be electrocuted. Younglings have 70% resistance.
  • That being said, a focused burst should be enough to electrocute anything short of a shellback -- but do be aware that it's 40% slowdown and 6 DPS on these guys.

  • See bugs --> Prioritize shooting at whatever is closest/most dangerous to your team --> Apply NT and Fear --> wait for the bugs to die; tell your teammates not to waste their ammo.
  • For bulkier foes, you can fire your autocannon to apply poison (and fear if they're not immune) and switch to your BRT to apply electrocuted to slow the enemy down. We can (and should) cripple larger bugs for our team, but single target damage should be left to other dwarves whenever possible.
  • Praetorians, wardens, slashers, spitters, guards, and maybe macteras should be given the war-crime-electrocution-special.
  • Experimental rounds, six-shooter, or elephant rounds are good secondary choices if electro minelets aren't needed. A good driller running disperser compound can make electro minelets mostly obsolete, and an engie with the right OC on their stubby or breach cutter can electrocute anything they need to.
  • This build isn't optimal for elimination missions. Dreads can be NT'd but not electrocuted.
  • If you're ever overwhelmed, shoot your feet. Fear and AOE can clear your immediate surroundings.
  • Incendiary grenades are my go-to for this build -- throwing in one of these blankets an area with sticky flames, and applies burn to nearby bugs. If a swarm needs to be dead fast, use this.
  • Clusters have stun, stickys have fear -- both are good options. I prefer clusters if I'm not using incendiaries.
  • Born Ready is a must. Resupplier, Vampire, Unstoppable are all decent. Iron will and dash are great actives.
  • Good luck, miner! R&S!