This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by PadreDa on 10/02/2022

LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Breach Cutter
Loadout Guide
Introduction I originally wanted this to be an Engi tank build, which this could be. I'll discuss that later, however. This build offers a lot of utility because both weapons are hybrids of some sort. Like most of my weird builds, don't judge too early :)
Lok1 - focused on fear and burst damage T1.B - Always take this T2.B - Any of these are fine, it's your call. I would prefer T2.B because it's better for swarmclear T3.A - This pairs with your secondary and will allow you do deal 20% more damage. Half of this build is burst DPS focused. T4.B - The faster lock on speed doesn't help much with Executioner, and it'll allow you to increase your fear chance. T5.C - Although this is almost never used, fear can be utilized for swarmclear and a potential tank build. Details below...
Secondary Variants Note : I wanted HVC because people tend to use Inferno more. Feel free to use any of these secondaries.
Current BC - This version has electricity and stun as its main focus. Additionally, Explosive Goodbye can be utilized to deal a little extra damage and create a plasma field, similar to Persistent Plasma. Inferno BC - Just run the Inferno OC if you want. Instead of electricity, you'll rely on fire. Tweak mods if necessary. Fire PGL - Check out my breakpoints PGL guide for the specific build. It'll deal just enough damage to ignite basically everything, and it includes a little bug that you can use to deal heat against enemies.
Any of these variants will work, there is nothing wrong with switching them out for your benefit.
The Rest of the Build The most interesting upgrade showcased here is the fear on the LOK1. It can be paired with T4.B to get a 90% chance to fear grunts roughly 4.2m away. If your secondary does not provide heat or electricity, do not run T3.A. Instead, pick something else. If you don't want to run fear, then you've created a standard Executioner build. There isn't anything wrong with that, but you've definitely seen it before. I'm here to come up with innovative builds. There are some perks you could consider using. If you want to run the tank variant, use Vampire, See You In Hell, and Vet. Depositor. These perks aren't necessary for this build, but it would be fun to use in game.
Conclusion Overall, this is a fun way to build Executioner. The 50% WP damage is great for single target, and the fast lock on speed combined with the fear is great for swarmclear. Instead of a full damage focus, the LOK1 is now a hybrid. Paired with the secondary of your choice, you can synergize fire/electricity with stun or armor breaking in order to make a well rounded Engi build.
There's gotta be a little bit of everything. -PadreDa
Rock & Stone!