Shield battery booster scout

by Otter on 10/11/2022

Salutes 2

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine icon
+4 Rate of Fire
x0.75 Heat per Shot
x2 Projectile Velocity
+200 Battery Capacity
+2 Direct Damage
-70% Horizontal and Vertical Spread
x1.5 Cooling Rate, x0.7 Cooldown Delay
Move 50% faster while the weapon is Overheated and for 2 seconds afterwards.
15% Chance per bullet to inflict an Electrocute DoT which does 22.5 Electric Damage per Second and slows enemies by 80% for 6 seconds.
-5 Direct Damage, +5 Area Damage in a 1m radius
+200% Armor Breaking
When the Heat Meter is greater than 50%, you can press the Reload button to manually activate the Overheat mode. When used in this way, Overheat's duration gets multiplied by x0.65, and also scales with the current Heat level (50% Heat Meter = x0.5 Overheat Duration).
When the Heat Meter is greater than 50%, the Rate of Fire is increased by +5 (up to a maximum of 20 RoF).
Shield Battery Booster

Jury-Rigged Boomstick

Jury-Rigged Boomstick icon
+8 Max Ammo
+3 Damage per Pellet
+7.5 Rate of Fire
-0.7 Reload Time
+20% Stun Chance per Pellet, +3.5 seconds Stun duration
+12 Max Ammo
+3 Pellets per Shot
+3 Penetrations
+300% Armor Breaking
+20 Blastwave Damage to any enemies in the area extending 4m infront of you.
Reloads automatically when unequipped for more than 5 seconds
Deal 0.5 Fear Factor to all enemies within 5m of you every time you pull the trigger
Convert 50% of Pellet damage to Fire element and add 50% of the Damage per Pellet as Heat which can ignite enemies
Special Powder

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook icon

Flare Gun

Flare Gun icon

Light Scouting Suit

Light Scouting Suit icon
Cryo Grenade
Cryo Grenade icon

Loadout Guide

My favorite drak build, and likely my favorite all time scout build. To play it well, you need to exploit hit and run tactics and be aware of hazards. This drak has better dps potential than full damage Lead Storm Lead Storm, albeit you're burst firing but more mobile.

Think of it as an alpha strike weapon, and switch to your secondary or relocate if you take chip damage. It also can give you power to go toe to toe with swarms and avoid damage entirely by killing quickly; the best defense is a good offense.

Mod selection:

T1 diminish heat penalty, allows longer bursts.

T2 damage, to maximize burst damage.

T3 faster cooling, to minimize delay between bursts.

T4 electricity, so bugs not killed outright are slowed, giving breathing room when cooling.

T5 fire rate increase has dual purpose: increase dps and gives audio cue when weapon is hot.

Special powder boomstick is great for avoiding chip fall damage, relocating if your shield breaks, and is excellent against grunt packs and mactera.