Please don't use this, here's why

by PadreDa on 26/01/2022

Salutes 1

Experimental Plasma Charger

Experimental Plasma Charger icon
+5 Regular Shot Direct Damage
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
x0.4 Heat per Second when fully charged
+25% Regular Shot Velocity
-2 Ammo per Charged Shot
x2.5 Charge Speed
+50% Cooling Rate
+1m Charged Shot AoE Radius
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
Charged Shots now deal their Direct Damage to enemies hit by the projectile while in-flight, but it no longer explodes upon impact (functionally removing Area Damage). Deals x3 damage vs Frozen targets. Additionally: x0.3 AoE Radius. Regular Shots do [5 plus 25% of their Direct Damage] Heat per shot which can ignite enemies, and 70% of the Charged Shot's damage is converted to Fire-element + Heat.
Shoot the Charged Shot with a Regular Shot before it impacts anything to make it detonate for 240 Damage and carve terrain within a 3m radius. Additionally: x0.8 Heat per Regular Shot and x0.8 Heat per Charged Shot.
Regular Shots now do 10 Fire-element Area Damage in a 1.5m Radius in exchange for -10 Direct Damage.
Heat Pipe

Loadout Guide

Heat Pipe is now good for Flying Nightmare Builds. End of discussion.

No, I'll explain further. After the HP nerfs, it became incredibly difficult to time a charged shot, even with T2.A. You're given a very small window of time to fire the shot, and then you have to pray that you'll still have some heat left over to fire the next regular shot. With HP, heat builds quickly once a shot is fully charged, and then it adds more heat once it's released. It isn't user friendly whatsoever, and I've seen these builds a ton.

Alternative : Energy Rerouting. Some people already preferred this before the HP nerf, and now it's the only good option for TCF builds. What if you want to use HP? Use T5.A, since you don't have to follow up on those shots. With FN, it's a solid option.

Yeah that's it, plz don't use this :) -PadreDa

Rock & Stone!