This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Antisyzygy on 07/02/2022

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Loadout Guide
This build is very responsive, and well-rounded. It also has a lot of ammo for both weapons.
The Hurricane is set up to allow mid-to-long-range suppressive fire with respectable damage.
The BRT is set up to be a sort of "quasi shotgun" to help deal with close-range threats.
In this way you get a balance of close, mid and long range combat effectiveness. It works great in really any hazard level, or DDs/EDDs. It's not the best build for Dreadnought fights but it works.
Hurricane notes:
The Hurricane is set up so you effectively get a fire-rate and velocity upgrade for free with the Overtuned Feed Mechanism OC. It's helps make the Hurricane very responsive at multiple ranges.
Since we get those for free, we can prioritize clip size and armor breaking in tier 2 and tier 3 respectively. This lets you lay down suppressive fire for longer, and also shreds armor off enemies so you can more reliably use your secondary to finish them off when they get close. Keep in mind clip-size upgrades actually also give you extra ammo.
Finally, stun and ammo are prioritized since we want to be able to fire lots of missiles and keep the bugs stun-locked so they don't get too close, or so that we can cancel attacks from praetorians or mactera.
BRT Notes:
The BRT has been set up to fire off 6 rounds per burst, with blowthrough, and we sacrifice accuracy and armor/weakpoint damage for ammo. This is by design to give you a sort of "shotgun" effect. I like to press fire and sweep my reticle past a group of grunts at the same time to take advantage of blowthrough.
This is build for clearing swarms from a head-on position as they approach you. Use it close-range to deal with groups of grunts, slashers, and guards that are harassing you. By the time they get close their armor is already toast due to your Hurricane.
You can also use this BRT quite effectively by itself versus Oppressors or Praetorians if you run around to their backside and shoot at their weakpoint. You don't get a huge weakpoint damage bonus but you shoot six rounds per burst and you have a lot of ammo. Just spam those BRT bullets.
Utility item notes:
It doesn't really matter what you take here for utility builds or grenades. You do you.