Muspelheim Berserkergang (Wannabe Driller)

by Antisyzygy on 07/02/2022

Salutes 3

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun icon
+1.5 Cooling Rate, -0.15 sec Cooling Delay
+4 Rate of Fire
x0.25 Base Spread
+600 Max Ammo
+2 Damage per Pellet
+200% Armor Breaking
+20% Stun Chance, +2 second Stun duration
+1 Penetration
+15% Damage per Pellet after reaching Base Spread
-0.4 seconds spinup time
Increases how long the Minigun stays at Max Stability from 0.5 sec to 1.25 sec, +1 second spindown time
After overheating, deal 60 Heat Damage and 100% chance to apply Fear to all enemies within a 10m radius. Additionally, reduces Overheat duration from 10 seconds to 5.
Every kill subtracts 0.6 Heat from the Heat Meter (maxes at 9.5 Heat) and thus increases the firing duration before overheating
After the Heat Meter turns red, 50% of the Damage per Pellet gets added as Heat which can ignite enemies.
Burning Hell

"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver

"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver icon
-0.7 Reload Time
x0.3 Base Spread
+10 Direct Damage
-80% Spread per Shot, x0.75 Recoil
+12 Max Ammo
+3 Penetrations
+30 Area Damage in a 1.5m radius, x0.5 Direct Damage
+35% Weakpoint Bonus
+12 Max Ammo
+10 Direct Damage
No aim penalty while moving
50% chance to inflict Neurotoxin DoT on all enemies hit by the Revolver. Neurotoxin does an average of 12.0 Poison Damage per Second for 10 seconds
Volatile Bullets

Loadout Guide

Gunner Fire Berserker Build. Volatile Rounds Bulldog + Burning Hell Minigun with Aggressive Venting. Incendiary grenades recommended.

It's no secret the gunner envies the driller. Shooting from a distance while watching the driller run head first into the swarm without any regard for their safety has given the Gunner an insecurity complex. He decided it's time to adjust his build.

This gunner build takes advantage of fire and attempts to engage swarms close range. You can still hit targets long-range, but only when you must.

Minigun Notes:

The Minigun has been set up to be responsive for close-range battles, and it applies heat to anything in a cone in front of your gun, quickly igniting anything smaller than a praetorian. Praetorians can also be ignited fairly quickly.

Additionally, aggressive venting  allows you to run into groups of bugs, overheat, and explode in fire causing bugs to run away. Overheating often in the middle of a swarm, close-range, is ideal.

Try to shift your target often in close-range combat to spread more fire.

Finally, the Minigun prioritizes stun  over blowthrough or armor-breaking in tier 3 because stun lets fire do more work and also keeps bugs from attacking you. You're engaging close range so cancelling attacks with stun is a good idea.

Bulldog Notes:

The Bulldog has been set up to do an insane amount of extra damage to things that are on fire. It's most useful for dealing with Guards  or Praetorians  that have been ignited.

Since this is a berserker build, you don't have so much time to do accurate shots, so we take the exploding bulldog rounds. You still will do +300% area damage (or 90 damage) per bullet to ignited enemies. Area damage also ignores armor so don't bother with weakpoint hits unless it's a praetorian perhaps..

Finally, we take Quickfire Ejector in tier 1 and Neurotoxin in tier 5 because you don't need to be accurate long range with exploding neurotoxin bulldog rounds, but you do need to be able to reload quickly. It still works at long range vs. acid spitters, etc. Neurotoxin also helps put damage just over the edge where you can reliably kill ignited praetorians in Haz 5 and EDDs using fewer rounds.

Tactics/Synergies notes:

Incendiary grenades are recommended because you do more damage to ignited bugs. I'd recommend reserving them mostly for praetorians as you can quickly ignite them and shred them with your Volatile Rounds Bulldog. You will do up to 360 area + 300 direct damage + 120 neurotoxin to an ignited praetorian with a full clip. Since this build reloads fast, you should have time to unload an extra clip of Bulldog to finish off praetorians.

Aggressive Venting means you recover faster from overheats and also applies fear so bugs will run away and won't hurt you. Try to overheat as much as possible in the thick of the swarm, switch to the bulldog during the 5 second overheat window.