This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Antisyzygy on 25/01/2022

LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Loadout Guide
This LOK-1 build is meant to approximate a shotgun style effect. Use your wide target window to do damage to a whole swarm at once.
You have a very wide target acquisition window, and can maintain locks in wide angle if you drag the window around.
Since this is a shotgun approximation you don't have long range, i.e. we didn't take Macro Lens or Zoom Lens. That's by design.
The Eraser OC is used because it's helps make this more like a shotgun. You can fire more bullets per burst, and you have more rounds in your clip.
SMRT mod in tier 3 ensures you won't "over do it" on locks per enemy in your wide target acquisition window. It will spread the right amount of locks to each enemy such that each lock will more likely fire a bullet that does damage to something, rather than have some locks be wasted on an enemy that dies early.
The LOK-1 will automatically stop firing if something dies, however, it's possible to put way too many locks on an enemy without SMRT targeting.
For example, without SMRT it's possible you will lock onto an enemy 6 times, but it dies in 2-3 bullets, so you wasted 3-4 locks. That's not how a shotgun would work. Shotguns fire all the pellets.
In tier 5 you can take really any mod, however, the electro rounds sometimes reduces the number of bullets/locks that will kill an enemy so it adds a bit of ammo efficiency. Note the Eraser OC adds more total locks so "Unstable Lock Mechanism" or "Fear Frequency" are actually harder to pull off.
We don't take Electro-Chemical rounds because SMRT targeting works better with this build. The damage boost is nice but you end up wasting too many locks so oddly enough your "damage per burst" decreases overall.
It's just that, with this build, the damage is spread out among many enemies, like a shotgun!