SMRT Seeker LOK-1 Engineer - Ammo Efficient

by Antisyzygy on 24/01/2022

Salutes 5

LOK-1 Smart Rifle

LOK-1 Smart Rifle icon
+6 Direct Damage
+72 Max Ammo
x0.2 Acquire Lock Threshold, x2 Lock-On Range
+1.3° Acquire Lock Threshold, x1.5 Lose Lock Threshold
+10m Lock-On Range
+20% Damage to Electrified Targets and +20% Damage to Burning Targets
Lock-On now prioritizes low health enemies, and will only place as many Locks on an enemy as are required to kill it.
+3 Penetrations
x0.85 Lock-On Time
+6 Max Number of Lock-Ons
Targets with 3 or more Locks are Electrocuted by the first Locked-On bullet that damages them. The Electrocute DoT does 12 Electric-element Damage per Second, slows enemies by 80%, and lasts for 3 seconds.
Full Lock adds 20% more Direct Damage to all shots fired during the burst.
Every time you release a Lock-On burst, the last bullet fired emits an aura of Fear to all enemies near you. For every bullet fired during the Lock-On burst, add 0.15 Fear to the aura (ranges from 30% Base Fear Chance at 1 Lock to 375% Base Fear Chance at 24 Locks). The aura's radius starts at 2.4m and each bullet fired during the Lock-On burst increases it by +0.15m (ranges from 2.55m at 1 Lock to 6m at 24 Locks).
Seeker Rounds

Breach Cutter

Breach Cutter icon
+1.5 Projectile Lifetime
+3 Magazine Size
+6 Max Ammo
+175 Beam DPS
+3m Plasma Beam Width
-0.2 Plasma Expansion Delay
-0.6 Reload Time
+200% Armor Breaking
+100% Stun Chance, 3 sec Stun duration
After firing a line and a 0.4 second delay, the player can press the fire button again to manually detonate the line dealing 40 Explosive element Area Damage in a 3.5m radius and leaving behind a 3.25m radius sphere of Persistent Plasma that does an average of 35.56 Fire Damage per second and slows enemies by 20% for 4.6 seconds. If the player doesn't detonate it manually, the line explodes at the end of its lifetime.
Leaves behind a Persistent Plasma field that does an average of 20 Fire Damage per second for 4.6 seconds. The Plasma field's width is 2/3 of the beam's width, and extends along the entire length of the beam's path.
Adds a line above and below the primary projectile (multiple lines hitting doesn't increase DPS)
Light-Weight Cases

Loadout Guide

This build is fairly unique, as it seems most people don't really like Seeker Rounds, as well as SMRT targeting. I figured out a way to make it work.

This build seems to work well so far in testing haz 4/5. It's very ammo efficient.

The LOK-1 is set up in such a way that it has:

  1. A narrow target acquisition window, so you can prioritize which targets you really want to lock onto
  2. A very wide target maintenance window thanks to Seeker OC, so you can drag your narrow lock window around and not lose other locks
  3. SMRT targeting means you won't waste locks on enemies that will die from 1-2 bullets, you can just drag your lock window to some other target to reach full lock
  4. It completely ignores armor and terrain because of the Seeker OC

Through ignoring armor and terrain you waste less rounds. Through SMRT targeting you waste less locks and can fire more rounds per lock-on session that do damage to something.

The main tactic is to use your narrow lock-on window to prioritize the exact targets you want to lock onto. SMRT targeting ensures you won't "over do it" on the locks per enemy. If you see an enemy stops having locks added, then just drag your narrow lock-on window to some other enemy. You can rest assured the Seeker OC will maintain your locks as you drag the narrow target acquisition window around.

The main drawback of the LOK-1 build is that it's not so good vs. swarmers, and the Seeker rounds OC reduces your fire-rate. Hence, the LOK-1 is a mid-to-long range weapon with this build.

The breach cutter has been set up to help you deal with close-range or swarmer situations. It does persistent plasma damage, and stun, to help give you some room to maneuver as well as do area denial vs. swarmers with the persistent plasma. Stunned enemies will stay in the persistent plasma for longer so you can do more DOT.

Furthermore, breach ammo was prioritized so you're not afraid to fire off a full clip to lay down an area denial zone.

**Customization notes LOK-1 :**

Electro-rounds in tier 5 is not strictly necessary. Feel free to take whatever you want, electric just helps slow big enemies that won't die from all your locks.

Shutter speed in tier 3 is not strictly necessary. However, it does help you get all the locks you need done in time before the swarm gets too close. However, if you choose something other than Electro-rounds in tier 5, I'd recommend keeping Shutter Speed in tier 3 to reach full lock faster.

**Customization notes Breach Cutter** :

Improved Case Ejector in tier 3 is not strictly necessary. I take it so my smaller 3 round clip doesn't matter as much. You can reload so fast with this build it's not a problem that you have a 3 round magazine. However, you may want to switch out for "Quick Deploy" to make the breech cutter even better in close range combat.

**Notes on utility items and grenades :**

It doesn't really matter what grenade you take, or how you build your utility items. Take whatever you're comfortable with.

I usually rock plasma bursters because it's like having 6 extra rounds of some kind of breach cutter / grenade launcher hybrid.

The thorns perk definitely helps this build a bit, so you can deal with stray swarmers.