This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Antisyzygy on 25/01/2022

CRSPR Flamethrower
Subata 120
Loadout Guide
This is a high DPS flamer Drillboi build. Tested on EDDs, and haz 4/5. It works really well in Industrial Sabotage missions as well since you can quickly ignite the robots.
The flamethrower has ammo and damage prioritized. You should be using this to torch just about everything except the big bois. That goes for grunts, guards, slashers, mactera, swarmers, etc.
If you engage a larger enemy, like a praetorian, ignite them with the flamer first, then use the exploding rounds Subata to finish them off. Of course impact axes work too. The Subata does bonus damage to ignited enemies.
Long range, use the exploding rounds on the Subata. Use it for anything like a webber, spittter, spitballer, breeder, menace, warden, etc. Keep in mind that it only takes 1 bullet for a webber, and 2-3 for an acid spitter. Shoot that number of bullets and reload to kill them.
You can unload clips of the subata on the other enemies. Your reloads will take a huge chunk out of their health bar, and it's ok to waste a round or two. Your clip is small so you won't waste many rounds "overkilling" something big like a praetorian.
Since you have the Subata with Exploding Reload, and are probably also taking Impact Axes, this build works well in dreadnought missions. Use your Subata and Axes against the Dreads.