This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Chelarino on 03/11/2020

"Warthog" Auto 210
Cycle Overload
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Hyper Propellant
LMG Gun Platform
Loadout Guide
for all your proving self worth as a gamer needs basically grenade launcher sniper + dps shotgun the launcher also has homebrew powder so you can oneshot preats ON THEIR ARMOR if you get a good roll. gamer.
the rest of the build is just my main engi build but with vampire instead of friendly, and berserker instead of iron will but that is up to taste also i run the turrets on 1-1-1-1 instead of 2-1-1-1 for the dps