This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Lazelik on 01/05/2022

"Warthog" Auto 210
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
Primary: Warthog, Cycle overload, 21312 Simply more ammo to waste, larger magazine so you can dish out tons of dmg before a need of reload, Armor shred regardless to where you shoot and a full auto for spamming purpose.
Secondary: PGL, Clean sweep, 11131 Large area cover to apply heat on, delete a large horde simply. Heat and stun is a must, most of 'em bugs will die from heat applied before the stun runs out. Lastly, proximity trigger gives you more area cover, direct dmg doesn't matter so this choice is given! Aim for the middle of the horde for the most efficient use.
Nade: plasma burster
Perks: passive - strong arm, sweet tooth, born ready active - dash, berzerker
PickaxeU: double dmg
CompatibleMissionTypes: - egg hunts - point extraction - refinery
PlayStyle: Simply use PGL for horde of grunts, they will all be delete by fire after the stun duration runs out. Due to PGL having quite low in ammunition, I choose plasma burster as my second horde delete option here. Turret is made to be an extra support, single turret since you don’t really need to interact much with 'em so just set it up and go roam. The stun option will provide an extra support while dealing with the horde. Cycle overload already give +2 rof, now we add the full auto mod to made our warthog into an absurd abdomen burster ready to bust any prea. Oppressor is my all time anti-engi bug so I purposely equip berzerker with double dmg pickaxe just to smack him.