This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Seven on 01/06/2022

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
Zhukov NUK17
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
This build focuses on dealing lots of damage with the DRAK-25 when your shield is up and then following up on the electrical damage with the Zhukovs to burst down large enemies and small groups. The core loop of fire DRAK -> let it cool down and shoot with Zhukovs -> reposition -> repeat is a really strong one that gives the player surprising versatility even with the limitation of having to keep your shield up as much as possible. In the event of your shield collapsing or being slightly damaged, the quicker shield regeneration and capacity on the armor rig will help you not be without your primary for too long, and the increased accuracy and damage on the Zhukovs allow them to act as a reasonably effective replacement for your primary weapon when you need to let your shield recharge. Also, the Static Discharge on the armor rig sets up your Zhukovs for massive damage when your shield breaks, making sure you're always in a good position to deal damage even when your shield has just burst.
Recommended Perk: Shield Link Shield Link creates a really interesting dynamic for the scout where you'll want to be close to your team while your shield is down but away from your team when its up, and it really synergizes with the scout's traditional strategy of kiting groups of enemies away from the team then back again.
I really like this build; its combat loop is unlike anything else I've tried in the game, and a large part of it is because of the inherent uniqueness of the overclock, and I feel like this build plays to its strengths to create a really fun build. Hope you like it too.