Max Ammo

by Anonymous on 2020-10-16

Salutes 0

Deepcore 40MM PGL

Deepcore 40MM PGL icon
+1m AoE Radius
+2 Max Ammo
+20 Area Damage
+2 Max Ammo
+20 Area Damage
Lose 50% of Direct, Area, and Armor Damage, and convert it to Heat that will ignite enemies
+500% Armor Breaking
+180% Projectile Velocity
Anywhere from x0.8 - x1.4 damage per shot, averaged to x1.1
+1m AoE Radius
Stuns creatures within the blast radius for 3 seconds
After 0.2 seconds of arming time, any grenade that passes within 2m of an enemy will detonate after a 0.1 second delay. After being armed, grenades will emit a green light. Grenades no longer explode upon impacting terrain, but instead automatically self-detonate 3.3 seconds after being fired or when they stop moving. Additionally, x1.1 AoE Radius.
+60 Direct Damage to any target directly impacted by a grenade.
Changes the PGL to add the player's current velocity to the grenades being fired, instead of using a flat velocity for every grenade.
Compact Rounds

Loadout Guide

Want to have tons of grenade ammo but still deal meaningful damage? This build will allow you to one-shot grunts with ITS incendiary damage.