This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Siirvend on 09/11/2022

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
instead of killing the bugs outright this build lets you poison whole swarms with aoe splash and causes them to run away from the fear debuff to die in corners preferably far from your team. This autocannon is great for point extraction missions that allow you a clear view of distant swarms. you can poison the bugs far way, highlighting them in the dark and potentially killing them with damage over time to save on ammo. your burt pistol acts as a perma stun for big bugs and clustered groups to allow you time to reload.
-Neurotoxin Payload got a pretty good buff this update. They increased the overall damage and the likelyhood of applying poison to any enemy. This means that I changed the build ever so slightly to take advantage of the higher CC potnetial and the overall kill potential as well. You can not only kill individual targets faster than Carpet Bomber but you can fear and poison them (slowing them too).
-I changed the sidearm here to be the BRT7 set up I used previously on my Big Bertha build. This is because a more middle ground, accurate and reliable side arm is perfect for a CC build like this. The stun potential of blowthrough electro minelets seemed a bit redundant with so much CC already at your disposal here.