Clean Sweeper

by Siirvend on 09/11/2022

Salutes 11

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon icon
+3 Direct Damage
x2 Magazine Size
+220 Max Ammo
x0.7 Base Spread
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+0.6 Min Rate of Fire, x1.5 RoF Scaling Rate
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+2 Area Damage
+4 Direct Damage
+400% Armor Breaking
+0.6m AoE Radius
x1.1 Direct and Area Damage when at Max Rate of Fire
Deal 50% Fear Factor to enemies within a 1m radius of bullet impact. The radius of the Fear gets the same increases as the Area Damage.
When at Max Rate of Fire, you take x0.5 damage from all sources (50% Damage Resistance).
Carpet Bomber

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun icon
+3 Direct Damage
x0.6 Spread per Shot, -30% Base Spread
+1 Penetration
x0.5 Recoil
-0.7 Reload Time
+2 Rate of Fire (translates to less time between bursts)
+12 Magazine Size
+3 Direct Damage
+200% Armor Breaking
+72 Max Ammo
+40% Weakpoint Bonus
Stun an enemy for 4 seconds if all 3 shots in a burst hit
+3 Bullets per Burst, -0.02 sec delay between bullets during burst
Lead Spray

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon
Sticky Grenade
Sticky Grenade icon

Loadout Guide

This autocannon build takes full advantage of the aoe splash damage on your autocannon to let you destroy large swarms by aiming at the center of the skittering mass. you will barely have to aim with this one so feel free to drink your beer, check your email on your phone or whatever else you neeed to do with your free hand. The burt here is used less like a precision weapon and more like a shotgun. it has high spread and high damage so save it for those pesky bugs that get a little too close for comfort.

-This Autocannon build has seen some changes from me personally. I changed it to the set up where it does more damage at max rate of fire and increased said RoF climbing rate. I just like the feel of this now. The other set up  in the video does a similar job and is by no means bad though. As for the changes to Carpet Bomber? Eh, it might be a direct damage nerf but it changes nothing about how this build functions. Dont go trying to kill praetorians with it though.

-Lead Spray on this Bert set up is even more important now. The five round burst acts like a shotgun, tearing into the weakpoints of bigger, chunkier targets for you. On hazard 5 you can 4 shot a praetorian from behind. This gun completes the Autocannon since single target damage is even more lacking with Carpet Bomber. The Bert buffs help here.