Engineer's Shocker Loadout

by KaarelZarlag on 03/11/2022

Salutes 1

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG icon
+3 Direct Damage
+25% Chance to Electrocute an enemy
+120 Max Ammo
+10 Magazine Size
x0.7 Recoil
+3 Rate of Fire
+3 Direct Damage
+120 Max Ammo
+25% Weakpoint Bonus
+25% Direct Damage dealt to enemies either being Electrocuted or affected by Scout's IFG grenade
+250% Armor Breaking
+20 Magazine Size
Every time the SMG applies its Electrocute DoT, there's a 25% chance that all enemies within a 2.75m radius of the primary target will be electrocuted as well.
x0.6 Base Spread, -25% Max Spread, and -13.33% Spread per Shot
EM Refire Booster

Deepcore 40MM PGL

Deepcore 40MM PGL icon
+1m AoE Radius
+2 Max Ammo
+20 Area Damage
+2 Max Ammo
+20 Area Damage
Lose 50% of Direct, Area, and Armor Damage, and convert it to Heat that will ignite enemies
+500% Armor Breaking
+180% Projectile Velocity
Anywhere from x0.8 - x1.4 damage per shot, averaged to x1.1
+1m AoE Radius
Stuns creatures within the blast radius for 3 seconds
After 0.2 seconds of arming time, any grenade that passes within 2m of an enemy will detonate after a 0.1 second delay. After being armed, grenades will emit a green light. Grenades no longer explode upon impacting terrain, but instead automatically self-detonate 3.3 seconds after being fired or when they stop moving. Additionally, x1.1 AoE Radius.
+60 Direct Damage to any target directly impacted by a grenade.
Changes the PGL to add the player's current velocity to the grenades being fired, instead of using a flat velocity for every grenade.
Clean Sweep

Platform Gun

Platform Gun icon

LMG Gun Platform

LMG Gun Platform icon

Engineering Suit

Engineering Suit icon
L.U.R.E. icon

Loadout Guide

I will always say the Warthog is probably the most solid and reliable gun for the Engineer. But that doesn't mean other guns can be effective and fun to use! The Stubby SMG is a great change of pace from the single shot close range damage that the engineer has, especially with their very powerful OC's. This one tho, doesn't have anything to be shy about in my experience, and can be very fun to use alongside the rest of your loadout, as it forces you to use your Deepcore PGL and share your available firepower between both guns; as well as giving you that extra range that the shotgun might be lacking for you.

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG

This build focuses on applying that electric status that this OC really synergizes well with. The added chance will make sure every enemy is electrified by just looking at it, the extended mag will reduce your reloading times and increase your time shooting bugs, and the rest will bring you more ammo and even more bonus damage to electrified enemies. The last upgrade can be switched for another mag extension, and if you are having trouble controlling the recoil, second row can be swapped for the dampener.

Deepcore 40mm PGL: The engi's boomstick

I like my guns to have dakka, but most importantly i like my guns to go boom. If you are like me, this is the gun for you. The wave clear single button press, this thing can clear a whole grunt wave in a matter of milliseconds, and dish out enough damage to make any big bug shake in place. For this loadout, i maximized ammo count without sacrificing that much needed crowd control, while also making it a very fun long range explosive. If you rather have better damage at the exchange of less ammo, you can grab both splash damage upgrades from the first 2 rows. For me, i've found myself running out of ammo on my primary more often than not, but that might be a skill issue more than a loadout issue!  Eitherway, this secondary can be very solid regardless of loadout you pick, except probably for the Incendiary Compound, which takes half of your damage to put it as burning damage, and that can be detrimental for your solid direct damage output.

LMG Gun Platform: A vigilant guardian

The LMG Gun Platform, or colloquially know as the LMG Turret, is the engineer's cherry on top of what's one of the most versatile classes in the game in my opinion. This little buddy packs a punch for what is an autoaim gun for the entire team, staying vigilant with a massive range of 25m; this little fella will take out any kind of critter that might sneak up on your team's back.

For this loadout we are using the popular acclaimed LMG MKII. As a smart man once said, "The answer to a practical problem, is a gun; and it that don't work, use more gun". In this case, even if the Gemini System might look like doubling on the DPS and the coverage it might have, that's a popular trap a lot of Engineer trainees fall for. The MKII boasts extended range, extended clip size and last but not least, more damage. The extended range helps get rid of spitters very quickly, and reacts to bugs in the dark much quicker than any other dwarf. The extended clip size means you will have to take care of your turret for less time than with the Gemini counterpart. The more time you spend shooting, the more damage you will stack alongside your turret.

Now, the more controversial choice for engineers around: Quick deploy vs Expanded ammo bags. I've been a quick deploy user for quite some time when i was a greenbeard, having your turrets up very quick is a delight, and allows for quick reposition. Thing is, if you are doing your work well, you will spend more time shooting bugs than repositioning your turret. Smart placement beats constant repositioning. You're not outsmarting bugs, you are brute forcing yourself through waves of them. They are brainless, careless, and will run for you just to get a bite on you, so use that well and smartly, preemptively place your turret in a good spot and don't touch it, use that extra ammo to have extra maintenance on it and bunker down.

Lastly, Defender System will give you a focused angle to take care of and greater damage, which is an unvaluable thing to have on your guns.

Platform gun and Engineering Suit

Your **platform gun** is the most valuable thing for you and your team, with the right upgrades it repels bugs and ables your team to take that fall without breaking a bone (or several). This loadout is a very general one and works on any loadout you might use in your adventures.

When it comes to the Suit, this is yet again one of those preference driven choices. The mineral bag extension gives you more room to get minerals from higher places, but if you value your survival over reducing your Molly visits, then any of the other shield charge upgrades is a good option. If you choose to do that, you can stack it with the Overcharger, for an even greater shield boost. If you prefer more HP, which is a solid pick for any loadout, then i'd advise taking either Improved Generator or the Mineral Bag. To end this section, the last row is yet another one of those where you have to value teamwork with personal protection. I'd say breathing room is a better pick, but Static Discharge doesn't have anything to envy either.

When it comes to perks, i personally use:
1. **Ressuplier** 2. **Thorns** 3. **Sweet Tooth**: this one synergizes very well with the HP upgrade from your suit
  • Field Medic
  • Sprint