This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Lazelik on 01/05/2022

M1000 Classic
Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
Primary: M1K, Hipster, 23221 This is made with one idea in mind, one gun deals with all. It can one shot grunt in the face, one body shot web spitter, three body shot acid spitter and when facing any large bug.. just spam the shiet outta it!
Secondary: Boomstick, Special powder, 21213 Enough ammo for flying around. Some might go for reload time but I like double trigger more, you reach max distance faster. Tier 4 is actually up to you, I go for super blowthrough cuz sometimes I use it to blowthrough horde of grunts so with this it will apply fire to more grunts it hits that's all. Use it to clear out any gas as a good support you are.
Nade: Cryonade
Perks: passive - deep pocket, sweet tooth, born ready active - dash, hover boots
PickaxeU: faster recharge
CompatibleMissionTypes: - egg hunts - point extraction - refinery - dotty *any with open large chamber
PlayStyle: This build is for you to fully focus on the role of scout! You have no need to fight the horde at all! At the start of the mission, light up room then locate and get rid of cave leeches all together with other priorities like breeder and spitballer where you can just shut 'em down with your cryonade! Next is your fun time resource gathering! (Combination of Deep pocket and Bigger mineral bag will increase your mineral pocket from 40 to 60 per mineral meaning more efficient in each trip) Milk all mineral veins dry at full speed even by yourself, you don't even need engi's platform with this build... use power attack trick to create your landing hole in the wall and even if you missed, it comes back fast with faster recharge! Your every landing is safe with the combination of hover boots, special powder and batman gun. You can ZOOM around the cave collecting and finishing that secondary super fast and very great on speed run point extraction! btw your M1k with this build will one-shot grunts in the face, one body shot web spitter at just, 3 shots acid spitter. Boomstick is made for you to jump around and clear out prae/oppressor death cloud, the blowthrough choice in tier 4 is just to increase the possibility in igniting the horde and is changable. In case you are facing swarmers or jellyfish, you have the option to throw your cryonade or just ZOOM to your mate! CHEERS!