by The_Friendly_Jarl on 28/03/2025

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Big Bertha
Armskore Coil Gun
The Mole
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Tactical Leadburster
Loadout Guide
War. It has existed since life began to compete with itself. Constantly changing and evolving, war is omnipresent in times of peace or conflict whether microscopic or galaxy spanning. Bring the desolation of war upon the disgusting bugs and rivals to the DRG empire. Scar the landscape with your autocannon. Shatter the skulls and tear the flesh of the bugs. And should they hide from death's inevitable grasp, remind them that no place is safe, not even their home with a well placed coil gun shot. And should you wish to see pure destruction, unleash your leadburster and revel in the destruction and spilling of xeno innards that follows! Rip and tear, for Rock and Stone!