À l'aise

by That Goddamn Scout™ on 17/02/2025

Salutes 2

Deepcore GK2

Deepcore GK2 icon
x0 Base Spread
+1 Rate of Fire
x0.73 Reload Time
+3 Direct Damage
+120 Max Ammo
-44.12% Spread per Shot and x0.5 Recoil
+10 Magazine Size
+20% Weakpoint Bonus
+500% Armor Breaking
After killing an enemy, gain +50% Movement Speed and increase Spread Recovery Speed by x12.5 for 2.5 seconds
+2 Rate of Fire
+35% chance to Stun on Weakpoint hit
AI Stability Engine

Jury-Rigged Boomstick

Jury-Rigged Boomstick icon
+8 Max Ammo
+3 Damage per Pellet
+7.5 Rate of Fire
-0.7 Reload Time
+20% Stun Chance per Pellet, +3.5 seconds Stun duration
+12 Max Ammo
+3 Pellets per Shot
+3 Penetrations
+300% Armor Breaking
+20 Blastwave Damage to any enemies in the area extending 4m infront of you.
Reloads automatically when unequipped for more than 5 seconds
Deal 0.5 Fear Factor to all enemies within 5m of you every time you pull the trigger
Convert 50% of Pellet damage to Fire element and add 50% of the Damage per Pellet as Heat which can ignite enemies
Compact Shells
Inhibitor-Field Generator
Inhibitor-Field Generator icon

Loadout Guide

Another well-rounded build, albeit slightly more generic and comfortable than the aforementioned TEF Drak build.

AISE GK2 is laser accurate and very easy to use. Boomstick is powerful and reliable. What more could you ask?

(You can replace IFGs by Pheromones)

Perks are as follow:

  • Passive: Sweet Tooth, Resupplier, Born Ready
  • Active: Field Medic, Iron Will