by Blobthecarritmuncher on 07/02/2025

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Shard Diffractor
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Loadout Guide
A build aimed at stationary objectives like Omoran and salvage. Basically just load the area around the objective up with plats, then load the plats up with stubby bullets. place proximety mines in the choke points and be stratigic about turret placement. the LMGs should be pretty far from one another but keep them near enough that the M-CA electricity arc still works. In the case of a large enemy, like an oppressor, just beam the plats at their feet with shard diffractor till it blows up. do that a couple times and they are dead. Most of the mods are just preferance, but a few are vital. they are as follows: ammo mods for plat gun, A2 for stubby, A1 for LMG, E1 for shard def. rest are up to you. have fun! (P.S. volitile impact for shard defractor can work as well, though the stratigies are a bit different)