by Riplucknut on 03/02/2025

CRSPR Flamethrower
Sticky Fuel
Experimental Plasma Charger
Persistent Plasma
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Impact Axe
Loadout Guide
The meta fire driller loadout. Sticky flames is a reliable, ammo-efficient way to kill waves of grunts and smaller enemies. Lay down sticky flames while trying to predict the bugs' pathing, or while kiting.
TCF provides great answer to macteras and LSTs, while Persistent Plasma adds naedocyte/shredder clear. Plus, TCF has other utilites such as mining, bunker building, etc.
VB (Volatile Bullets) Gunner is a natural pair to this build because of easy access to enemy ignition.
On Industrial Sabotages, swap sticky fuel for either 23221 Scorching Tide or 23221 Fuel Stream Diffuser for better matchup against rival enemies.