by NTPGod on 31/12/2024

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Rotary Overdrive
Armskore Coil Gun
Triple-Tech Chambers
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
My take on hitscan alternative to PBM for high scaled difficulties (8 and above). Hold LMB and profit from AV bursts. Area heat on AV is meant to replace HF for enabling tempshock CWC and for general crowd clear. This setup also addresses the "issue" of highly scaled oppressors, in that you can shoot infinitely with near infinite safety at their WP. Electric trails TTC is actually more for increasing the potency of AV fear than for killing trash, although it is of course effective for that also. AV does well to neutralize spitters, just keep rev hopping until overheat.