by Imlazy on 14/12/2024

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
This Build is meant to be my gunner's build just on my scout.
Drak: tier 1, c helps hit moving bugs better I'm to lazy to pre aim. Tier 2, more dmg means using less ammo to kill something did you not read my gunner build? Tier 3, I don't like wasting ammo on missing. Tier 4, now if you read my gunner build on armor breaking you would thing I would have taken c over a but your over looking that a means we add a 2nd dmg over time affect to a bug which means I can't be botherd to run c over a. Tier 5, gun go brrrrr. Oversock: scouts burning hell.
My Boomsock: this is doing the same thing as my gunner's bulldog build whic means taking a bit off the top of swarms with tier 4 rest is up to you, but I must set stuff on fire so ya c in tier 5. overlock Now, I know your asking, if I'm really that inept that I would take special powder over shaped shells if I also want it to take out ranged targets like the bulldog, but what you fail to grasp is the pure depth of my laziness to want to not take fall dmg.
popcorn: yes I take boomy over others as I don't like dealing with the littler stuff.
Perks: iron will, beast master, vemp, bornready/thorns, resupply.
Build theme for scout (