by Blobthecarritmuncher on 22/11/2024

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
Thermal Exhaust Feedback
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Cryo Bolt
Pheromone Canister
Loadout Guide
An attempt at the most effects possible from 1 dwarf. Fire and Electricity are from the DRAK; Fear, Explosive death, and Ice are from Boltshark; Pheromone is from Pheromone canister. I chose Electricity on the drak because it is free (not in place of another effect) and so it opens up special quiver and grenades from any electrical obligation. Explosive death on boltshark because it is the only place you can get it. Pheromone canister because the Pheromeone-dart is already taken. Banshee module because it is free. Finally, cryo-bolt over fire because Boltshark can do fire and ice, whereas DRAK can only do fire. This Guide is very rambling and confusing (sorry), comments and suggestions welcome.