Scout Gunner

by Blobthecarritmuncher on 13/11/2024

Salutes 1

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon icon
+3 Direct Damage
x2 Magazine Size
+220 Max Ammo
x0.7 Base Spread
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+0.6 Min Rate of Fire, x1.5 RoF Scaling Rate
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+2 Area Damage
+4 Direct Damage
+400% Armor Breaking
+0.6m AoE Radius
x1.1 Direct and Area Damage when at Max Rate of Fire
Deal 50% Fear Factor to enemies within a 1m radius of bullet impact. The radius of the Fear gets the same increases as the Area Damage.
When at Max Rate of Fire, you take x0.5 damage from all sources (50% Damage Resistance).
Combat Mobility

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun icon
+3 Direct Damage
x0.6 Spread per Shot, -30% Base Spread
+1 Penetration
x0.5 Recoil
-0.7 Reload Time
+2 Rate of Fire (translates to less time between bursts)
+12 Magazine Size
+3 Direct Damage
+200% Armor Breaking
+72 Max Ammo
+40% Weakpoint Bonus
Stun an enemy for 4 seconds if all 3 shots in a burst hit
+3 Bullets per Burst, -0.02 sec delay between bullets during burst
Composite Casings

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon


Pickaxe icon
Incendiary Grenade
Incendiary Grenade icon

Loadout Guide

First off, this is NOT one of those no scout, no problem builds. This is simply a gunner build designed purely for movement speed. The combat mobility should synergize quite well with sheild boost on full RoF. It basically allows you to have double health on command. The build is also aimed at kiting, and that is somthing I dont see gunners doing very often. BRT set up is just for stupidly fast RoF, but really you can use anything. Dead-eye bulldog could fit nicely. Any way, just an experimentall setup to mess around with.

Suggested perks: passive: Second wind (faster running) sweet tooth (faster movement after suger) unstopable (faster movement with objects and thru goo)

Active: Dash (obviously) Hightend senses (to avoid grabbys and to keep you running)

Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome! Rock And Stone!