by Blobthecarritmuncher on 13/11/2024

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
First off, this is NOT one of those no scout, no problem builds. This is simply a gunner build designed purely for movement speed. The combat mobility should synergize quite well with sheild boost on full RoF. It basically allows you to have double health on command. The build is also aimed at kiting, and that is somthing I dont see gunners doing very often. BRT set up is just for stupidly fast RoF, but really you can use anything. Dead-eye bulldog could fit nicely. Any way, just an experimentall setup to mess around with.
Suggested perks: passive: Second wind (faster running) sweet tooth (faster movement after suger) unstopable (faster movement with objects and thru goo)
Active: Dash (obviously) Hightend senses (to avoid grabbys and to keep you running)