by Blobthecarritmuncher on 12/11/2024

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Rotary Overdrive
Armskore Coil Gun
Triple-Tech Chambers
Tactical Leadburster
Loadout Guide
A build all about rapid, poweful shots. Rotary overdrive drives aggressive venting to the max. And the increased fire rate plus hardend rounds tears through armour like butter. Triple-tech is the obvious choice for coil gun, turning it into essentially a BRT on steriods. Take adventage of the slower charging rate caused by TTC with Defense Enhancment. Finally, Tac-burster completes this build with a lot of bullets that do lots of damage. For perks, I'd use second wind and dash, because gunner is notoriusly slow. also friendly perk to let you be more libral with your tac-burster. other perks and equipment is up to you. Have fun!