by taraken54 on 29/12/2024

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Armskore Coil Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
Mortar is very good universal weapon. 2 shots for killing 5 and more bugs bc of AoE damage and very good DPS for killing praetorians.
To the mods: I chose those mods for boosting total damage and AoE damage and dps. This weapon is very strong, but it's strong against allies too, so be careful while shooting.
As secondary we can choose really ANY weapon. Bc primary weapon is very strong in all ways, we can choose something universal or single-target or AoE. I prefer this AOE option with insane crowd control. Just use this weapon as main and Mortar only when see really big group of enemies or big target like praetorian, warden or oppressor. If you chose single-target weapon as secondary, use Mortar as main for crowd clearing and secondary for killing big targets.
Grenades: Sticky is the best for newbies and it is the most versatile bc of Fear. Incendiary has the best total damage against big crowds bc of burn. Cluster has the best DPS against crowds and the highest amount of teammates deaths. Lead Burster has very good damage against crowds (and teammates, too) and very good damage against Detonators. Detonator on HAZ5 dies after 4 grenades (if you are lucky or skilled, you can kill it with 2 Lead Bursters, and the opposite, if you are unlucky or unskilled, you might not kill it even with 4 grenades). On HAZ5+ Detonator can survive even 4 grenades, and even 6, but Lead Burster still has very good damage against crowds, bc it has very big area cover.
To the equipment: T3A of zipline is chosen bc of nice bug, that devs don't want to fix. This bug became feature. Buff of zipline stays with you until you die (yeah, even when you are not on the zip, you have this buff). Shield has 2 builds: 221 for biggest range (use it for Doretta mission and for Savery missions to cover Doretta and most of the uplink's and fuel cells' square) and 223 for longest duration. Other upgrades are just useless.
Gunner is class that not only kills bugs, but also saves teammates. Place shield when you see that your teammate is about to die, place shield when you see that your teammate is already dead to revive him, place shield when you see big group of Macteras or Acid Spitters, place shields on Doretta to provide an opportunity to repair her, place shield when Acid Spreaders covered uplink or fuel cells or when Praetorian's gas covered that area... Place ziplines on Corestone event, place ziplines to escape from highground, etc. Use imagination ;)
Perks: Resupplier, Vampire, Born Ready - my everyday choice. Sometimes I replace Born Ready with Sweet Tooth or Thorns, but mainly I use Born Ready. Iron Will and Dash as active - also my everyday choice. You can replace Dash with Medic, High Senses or anything else, but I think that increasing mobility is better than any of other perks.