by Kalkin on 09/07/2024

Corrosive Sludge Pump
Sludge Blast
Subata 120
Explosive Reload
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Impact Axe
Loadout Guide
Designed to quickly and effectively kill Dreadnoughts.
Spam full charge Sludge Blasts at any Dreadnought. For more Burst damage, swap to your Subata while your Sludge Pump is reloading and spam until Born Ready is triggered. There is synergy between Subata and the Sludge effect due to T5C on Subata. Sludge Pump does not need to hit weakspots, aim from any angle you have at the Dreadnought.
C4 for Hiveguard armor. A single sludge pump shot and 6 Subata bullets should kill Hiveguard spawn.
Explosive Subata for when the Twins are playing out of your range or on the ceiling.
Impact axes with axe canceling for additional burst damage.
Sludge Pump can alternatively take T4B for faster charge at cost of charge shot ammo efficiency.