by rhomer on 20/06/2024

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Shard Diffractor
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
Electrified Cheese Fortress Loadout
This loadout is focused around using the reworked 'Micro-Conductor Add-On" by creating a large feild of electrified platforms to deal with hoards while using the Shard Diffractor with 'Overdrive Booster' for High Priority Targets.
Primary: "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Upgrades: 2-1-2-2-X Overclock: Micro-conductor Add-on
Shooting a platform or a turret will create a small sphere that shocks any bugs that go in it and create a small amount of light. It does 30 damage per second and will kill glyphid grunts and slashers before they cross the sphere. The upgrades simply prioritize ammo capacity and increased electrocution chance over anything else since, most of your damage comes from the overclock. I'd advise against taking 'Improved Gas System' since the proc chance is at 50%. Meaning, on average, you only need 2 bullets to trigger it. Your fire rate would be so fast a click of a button sends 3-4 bullets, wasting 1-2 shots.
Secondary: Shard Diffractor
Upgrades: 2-1-2-1-1 Overclock: Overdrive Booster
Your very own delete button. Pressing 'Reload' when shooting the shard diffractor will immobilize you and increase your damage significantly, you can't stop firing until the 'clip' is expended and swapping weapons consumes around 70% of the remaining clip. With the tier 5 'Hydrogen Rupturing' upgrade, you can gain up to 66% extra damage by proccing electrocution with the stubby and the tier 4 'High Intensity Heat' upgrade. This will 'one clip' an oppressor's weakpoint at Haz 5, 4 players. You can take the ammo upgrade at tier 1 but it does have some break points meaning you won't be able to one clip some things anymore like barrage infectors and shell backs.
Utility: Platform Gun
Upgrades: 2-1-1 Since planting down turrets takes some time even if you have the 'Quick Deploy' upgrade, your main way of using the overclock is through platforms. We're using 'Expanded Ammo Bags' over 'Repellant Additive' simply because we want the bugs to walk over the platforms. Tips:
- To quickly deploy a field of platforms shoot the platform gun then as soon as the 'bullet' leaves the barrel tap the 'pickaxe' button to animation cancel the recoil. If done properly you can shoot 4 platforms in 2 secs.
- Try to space the platforms apart as the electric sphere's effect are larger than they seem, atleast try not to let them touch each other.
- The AOE of the spheres also project upwards so dont be afraid to shoot a wall with platforms too.
- If theres no suitable flat ground to create a feild of platforms you can create a long bridge of platforms sticking out from a wall and atleast 3 dwarf heights away from the ground. This will funnel them to cross the whole bridge to get to you, and since the electric spheres also projects upwards and downwards it will shock any bug that tries to cross it above or below.
Should be no suprise that the L.U.R.E throwable is amazing in this load out. It ignores friendly fire so throw it on a platform and watch the bugs desperately try to bite it as they slowly die from shocks.
Born Ready: to automatically reload the platform gun.
Dash: to quickly reposition and move around your electrified cheese fort.