The clutches dwarf ever ( run this if you wnt to be a hero)

by Scrimmix on 20/05/2024

Salutes 3

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine

DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine icon
+4 Rate of Fire
x0.75 Heat per Shot
x2 Projectile Velocity
+200 Battery Capacity
+2 Direct Damage
-70% Horizontal and Vertical Spread
x1.5 Cooling Rate, x0.7 Cooldown Delay
Move 50% faster while the weapon is Overheated and for 2 seconds afterwards.
15% Chance per bullet to inflict an Electrocute DoT which does 22.5 Electric Damage per Second and slows enemies by 80% for 6 seconds.
-5 Direct Damage, +5 Area Damage in a 1m radius
+200% Armor Breaking
When the Heat Meter is greater than 50%, you can press the Reload button to manually activate the Overheat mode. When used in this way, Overheat's duration gets multiplied by x0.65, and also scales with the current Heat level (50% Heat Meter = x0.5 Overheat Duration).
When the Heat Meter is greater than 50%, the Rate of Fire is increased by +5 (up to a maximum of 20 RoF).
Thermal Liquid Coolant

Nishanka Boltshark X-80

Nishanka Boltshark X-80 icon
Special Bolt: 15 Direct Damage, 10 Area Damage, 9 bolts, 10 sec effect duration. If you hit an enemy, it will have its movespeed slowed by 30% and be hostile to other enemies for the duration of the effect.
Special Bolt: 15 Direct Damage, 12 Area Damage, 9 bolts, 14 sec effect duration. If you hit an enemy, it will take 10 Poison Damage per Second for the duration of the effect. If it dies while it still has that status effect active (or is killed by the status effect), then after a 1 sec delay it will explode for 165 Explosive Area Damage in a 4m radius. The explosion also Stuns for 1 second and inflicts 100% Base Fear Chance.
Special Bolt: 15 Direct Damage, 10 Area Damage, 12 bolts, 12 sec effect duration. If you hit an enemy, it will have its movespeed slowed by 50% and take an average of 16 Electric Damage per Second. If you shoot a second Taser bolt within 6m of the first one, an electric beam will arc between the two bolts that slows enemies by 80% and does 30 Electric DPS. Taser Bolts are not retrievable.
+25 Direct Damage, +15 Area Damage
+7 Max Ammo
x1.4 Special Ammo
-0.4 Reload Time, -0.4 Ammo Swap Time
x1.5 Projectile Velocity
After killing an enemy, gain +50% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds
Hovering your crosshair over a retrievable arrow will pull it back into your inventory.
x1.25 Special Effect Duration
Bolts are magnetically pulled towards enemies that are affected by IFG or Electrocuted. Additionally, they do a bonus 25% Direct and Area Damage to those enemies.
When normal arrows impact terrain, they apply 50% Base Fear Chance to enemies within a 3m radius, pulsing once per second for 5 seconds.
The Specialist

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook icon

Flare Gun

Flare Gun icon

Light Scouting Suit

Light Scouting Suit icon


Pickaxe icon
Pheromone Canister
Pheromone Canister icon

Loadout Guide

never overheat sounds nice if you run this right. pheromones for grenade since theyre really good when tm8s need reviving but the only problem is you dont have enough. so to fix tht problem you run the boltshark with pheromones as the special ammo, pop this into one of the fatties on your brother (eg: pretorian or oppressor) and they wipe out all the grunts on youyr tm8 then just pop tonnes of bullets into their cheeks and easy revive. run this if you want dms with kissing emojis from your tm8s after a mission.