Haz5 Generalist Loadout - Driller

by Khronos20 on 27/03/2024

Salutes 13

Corrosive Sludge Pump

Corrosive Sludge Pump icon
x2 Magazine Size
+40% Projectile Velocity
x1.25 Sludge Puddle width, x1.1 Sludge Puddle height
+24 Charged Shot Area Damage
+4 Charged Shot Fragments
+8 Regular Shot Area Damage
x1.5 Corrosive DoT duration, x1.5 Sludge Puddle duration
+40 Max Ammo
-1 Ammo per Charged Shot
x0.4 Charge Time
Increases Corrosive DoT's Slow from 35% to 51.25%, and increases the Sludge Puddle's Slow from 45% to 72.5%
Increases the Corrosive DoT's average DPS by +8.8, and increases Sludge Puddle's average DPS by +4
Volatile Impact Mixture

Experimental Plasma Charger

Experimental Plasma Charger icon
+5 Regular Shot Direct Damage
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
x0.4 Heat per Second when fully charged
+25% Regular Shot Velocity
-2 Ammo per Charged Shot
x2.5 Charge Speed
+50% Cooling Rate
+1m Charged Shot AoE Radius
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
Charged Shots now deal their Direct Damage to enemies hit by the projectile while in-flight, but it no longer explodes upon impact (functionally removing Area Damage). Deals x3 damage vs Frozen targets. Additionally: x0.3 AoE Radius. Regular Shots do [5 plus 25% of their Direct Damage] Heat per shot which can ignite enemies, and 70% of the Charged Shot's damage is converted to Fire-element + Heat.
Shoot the Charged Shot with a Regular Shot before it impacts anything to make it detonate for 240 Damage and carve terrain within a 3m radius. Additionally: x0.8 Heat per Regular Shot and x0.8 Heat per Charged Shot.
Regular Shots now do 10 Fire-element Area Damage in a 1.5m Radius in exchange for -10 Direct Damage.
Persistent Plasma

Reinforced Power Drills

Reinforced Power Drills icon

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge icon

Heavy Drill Suit

Heavy Drill Suit icon


Pickaxe icon
Impact Axe
Impact Axe icon

Loadout Guide


Refer to this post on r/technicaldrg for an explanation of the premise for these builds, which also outlines general build priorities and limitations. I wanted to use these karl.gg builds to give additional context regarding build decisions and gameplay notes so the Reddit post can remain concise for those just looking for a build without the detailed information included here.




On activation, Dash grants a speed boost and cancels any slowdown effect allowing you to reliably reposition yourself when necessary. This effect is consistently valuable and can proactively save you every 40/35/30/25 seconds. When a swarm of bugs is about to overwhelm you an untimely slowdown (Naedocyte shock, Slasher stun, Web Spitter web, Fungus Bogs/Goo Bomber floor goo, etc.) will guarantee you going down, which Dash is able to easily counter. The speed boost on its own is also great for general enemy kiting and movement around the caves.

Iron Will:

When downed this perk can be activated to instantly put you back on your feet for a 6/8/10/12 second invulnerable last stand once per mission. After the last stand ends you will go back to being downed unless you get some form of healing during the last stand duration. This perk is so valuable because it essentially gives you a second chance to get through the most difficult part of a mission without requiring any teammate attention cost. Take a moment before activating Iron Will to see if your team can get things under control. If not, look around for nearby Red Sugar, Resupply Pods, or enemies that you can pickaxe power attack when using the Vampire perk to regain health within last stand.



A resource that is typically limited within every mission is health. Vampire breaks that limitation by allowing you to regain 2/3/4/5 health with every medium or larger creature killed by a melee attack. In practice though, the major benefit Vampire provides is a reliable way to regain health during Iron Will last stand. Red Sugar or a Resupply Pod may not be close to where you went down, but there will almost always be a few bugs around your downed body. Vampire allows you to use those bugs as a healing source to ensure you will stay up after the Iron Will last stand timer runs out. Note that regular pickaxe strikes do not do much damage, power attacks are the best way to take advantage of Vampire during typical gameplay.

  • Driller Notes: Driller is particularly good at taking advantage of Vampire because Impact Axes and Reinforced Power Drills count as melee damage and are substantially better melee options than regular pickaxe strikes when power attack is on cooldown.

This perk is actually 3 in one: more health from resupply (50% base to 60%/65%/70%/75%), faster resupply collection (20%/30%/40%/50%), and a full reload on all weapons/equipment after resupply. Health is a fairly limited resource on missions so anything that increases that resource is valuable. Needing to resupply in a stressful/dangerous situation is not uncommon so the additional resupply collection speed frequently prevents going down. The full reload to all weapons/equipment on resupply is another welcome quality of life improvement and can provide enough of a combat tempo boost to get a critical situation under control.

Born Ready:

This perk reduces the attention cost of keeping weapons/equipment reloaded and improves combat tempo by automatically reloading unequipped weapons/equipment after 15/10/5 seconds. Switching to a weapon in a stressful situation only to find the magazine empty is an easy way to go down. Time spent reloading also means time spent not shooting, which can make the difference between success and failure in a difficult mission.

  • Driller Notes: Driller does not need this perk as much as other classes since their equipment and a few of their weapons do not need to be reloaded. However, the combat tempo increase is still valuable enough that I use Born Ready with this build despite Corrosive Sludge Pump being the only part of it that needs to be reloaded.

If Born Ready does not seem necessary, an alternate perk I would recommend in its place is Sweet Tooth to further increase the total health available throughout the mission combined with a speed boost on Red Sugar collection to reposition when at dangerously low health.

Equipment Notes

General Equipment


Serrated Edge (T1A) doubles power attack damage and is generally considered the best option in this tier. The additional damage is important to ensure that a power attack during Iron Will can reliably secure a kill (and corresponding health from Vampire) to stay up after last stand ends. Many dangerous enemies also take increased melee damage (Mactera, Korlok Tyrant-Weeds and their healing pods and sprouts, and most Rival enemies), which an increased damage power attack can kill outright or inflict significant damage.


The most important perk is Breathing Room (T4C), which doubles the temporary invulnerability duration after your own revival from 3 seconds to 6 seconds. This is valuable because the base time to revive someone else or to collect a resupply is also 6 seconds. Breathing Room ensures that if you act right when you are revived you can make a big play without going down prematurely. Improved Generator (T1A) starts shield regeneration sooner, which reduces the amount of damage that gets through your shield into your health by regenerating the shield buffer more frequently. The alternatives in this tier are not compelling with Boosted Converter (T1B) delaying shield recovery time and Bigger Mineral Bag (T1C) not changing the number of trips required to get a full resupply. Healthy (T2B) gives more total shield + health than Overcharger (T2A), scales with Resupplier for more health recovery, and still works on missions with Shield Disruption.

  • Impact Axes: These are Driller's best throwable because they excel at what Driller tends to struggle with, single target damage. Each one does 160 direct melee damage and 80 area damage, which is very effective against enemies weak to melee and allows for easy activation of the Vampire perk for healing. All throwable animations in the game can be animation canceled by tapping the pickaxe melee button or laser pointer button after each throw. Impact Axes can take advantage of this better than other throwables to cause incredibly high burst damage when 3-4 can be thrown in a second. Impact Axes also provide substantial out of combat utility in addition to their great damage in combat. Each Impact Axe has a 100% chance to stun, which will stop Praetorian attack animations like acid spit or the other regional variants. Impact Axes can also be picked up if they do not hit a creature, which can be taken advantage of to clear biome hazards without consuming a resource. Things like Electrocrystals in Crystalline Caverns, Poison Spores in Fungus Bogs, Exploding Plants in Dense Biozone and Magma Core, and Ejector Cacti in Dense Biozone are not considered creatures so they can be destroyed using Impact Axes and the axes can be still be retrieved afterwards.
  • Neurotoxin Grenades: This is the best alternative throwable in Driller's kit, and they are fantastic at controlling a large area. On impact each Neurotoxin Grenade will release a 7.5 meter radius cloud that lasts for ~10 seconds and has a 100% chance to apply a 30 second Neurotoxin effect to every enemy that enters. The Neurotoxin effect slows affected enemies by 30% for the entire duration and does 12 damage/second (360 total damage), which will outright kill low health enemies and soften up high health enemies. However, if anyone in the group has any form of fire or heat though these grenades quickly become useless since the combustion effect is significantly weaker than the Neurotoxin cloud.

For additional discussion about throwable options refer to the Grenades and Managing Explosive Results guide made by memtransmute in the Practical DRG discord.

Class-Specific Equipment

Satchel Charge:

As of the November 2023 maintenance patch, satchel ammo return now rounds up on resupply if the total is an odd number. Therefore, using exactly 1 ammo perk (T1B or T3A) will result in 3 starting satchels but will still replenish 2 from every resupply. Taking 1 damage perk (T1C or T3B) allows a full inventory of satchels (3 with this build) to completely destroy Caretaker Intakes and only require 2 resupplies to have enough satchels to repeat the process on the next Intake phase. Before discussing which perks are good, lets cover a few perks that actually make satchels worse and should be avoided due to their inherent risk to you and the team:

  • Volatile Compound (T3B) increases satchel damage by 250 (+67% from base 375 damage) but also allows satchels to detonate automatically when they take 20 damage from any source, including yourself, teammates, or enemies. The detonation threshold is so low that it will inevitably lead to accidental explosions from stray team or enemy shots, especially during a hectic swarm. When an accidental explosion triggers it will often catch you or your teammates in the blast and will result in them being downed. The damage bonus from T3B is also identical to the damage bonus from Bigger Charge (T1C), but T1C does not add the risk of accidental detonation that T3B does. It is just never worth taking T3B.
  • Fragmentary Shell (T1A) increases satchel explosion radius by 3 meters (+67% from base 4.5 meters). This can be helpful when using satchels for horde clear while playing solo with a build that struggles with horde clear on its own. However, since T1A is used so infrequently, teammates will not anticipate how far from the blast they need to be. The extra radius is not needed to hit all 4 Caretaker vents, so in practice T1A just makes it more difficult to use the strong tier 4 satchel perks while avoiding friendly fire.

At high hazard levels satchel damage starts to lose effectiveness. They are decent against groups of weaker enemies, but are not as safe and effective as simply using one of Driller's incredible horde clear weapons. However, the utility that satchels provide from the tier 4 perk selection is still fantastic. Concussive Blast (T4B) adds a 5 second stun effect (100% chance) to every detonation in a 10 meter radius, which can be used as a budget Gunner shield. If incoming enemies are starting to become overwhelming, a satchel with T4B can be thrown off to the side and detonated to stun all nearby enemies, giving the team plenty of time to get things under control. Alternatively, choosing Rock Mover (T4C) will increase terrain carve radius by 9 meters (+145% from base 4.5 meters). This is used to instantly create a good on-demand defensive location in a nearby wall before being pressured by a large swarm. T4C is especially effective on missions like Industrial Sabotage and Salvage Operation that involve holding multiple different locations throughout the mission.

Reinforced Power Drills:

The primary role of drills is as a movement tool, so maximizing their effectiveness in that role by taking both drill speed perks (T1B and T3A) will generally have the greatest value. Using a single drill speed perk nearly matches drill speed with horizontal movement speed, but the additional speed from a second drill speed perk is still a noticeable improvement. This is especially true when digging more vertically or when in Rich Atmosphere missions with increased movement speed. To account for drill speed being faster than movement speed when taking both T1B and T3A, drilling can be paused for a split second every fourth drill terrain clear to catch up to the wall before resuming another cycle of four drill terrain clears. An alternative to T1B that can have value in some cases is Barbed Drills (T1A), which doubles drill damage. That doubling also multiplies with the 3x damage increase from the frozen status resulting in a net 6x increase to drill damage. This can be very potent when paired with tools that consistently freeze enemies such as the Cryo Cannon or Cryo Grenade. The damage increase also allows drills to kill Swarmers and Shredders in 2 damage instances instead of 3 and kill Naedocytes in 1 damage instance instead of 2. This can be useful to cover the weakness of a build that solely focuses on single target instead of efficient horde clear, like Corrosive Sludge Pump [Volatile Impact Mixture]. However, when using a weapon more specialized for horde clear, such as the CRSPR Flamethrower or Experimental Plasma Charger [Persistent Plasma], those tools will be significantly more effective at dealing with large groups of Swarmers/Shredders/Naedocytes than drills. Against small groups of those enemies drills are effective enough without the improvements from T1A. Whether or not T1A is taken, drills have an insane level of inherent armor break (10,000%) and apply a 50% fear effect and a 25% stun chance on every damage instance. The stun and fear can be life-saving in a dangerous situation, and the armor breaking will quickly remove all armor from any targeted enemy to help teammates land weakpoint shots more easily. Drills surprisingly do additional damage to weakpoints too so make sure to aim accordingly, especially if T1A is used.

Weapon Notes

Corrosive Sludge Pump (CSP)

Volatile Impact Mixture (VIM):

VIM is a balanced overclock that doubles regular and charged shot damage while also reducing the corrosive damage over time (DoT) duration by 50% and reducing sludge puddle duration by 25%. When built around regular shot damage VIM allows the Corrosive Sludge Pump to become the most efficient single target damage option in Driller's entire kit between high direct damage and a DoT component that remains powerful despite the VIM penalty. Assuming T2C and T5B are used, here is a chart of damage breakpoints against relevant enemies when combining regular shots and DoT damage:

1 Shot + 1 DoT 2 Shots + 1 DoT 3 Shots + 2 DoTs 4 Shots + 2 DoTs
Grunt, Web Spitter, Q'ronar Youngling Acid Spitter, Mactera Spawn, Slasher Septic Spreader Guard

Charged shots are used infrequently in this build, but when they are, be careful about self damage. The damage boost from VIM makes charged shots a significant friendly fire risk to yourself and teammates when in close quarters.

Tier 1 Perks:

The typical recommendation from this tier is High Capacity Tanks (T1A) which doubles magazine size, improving combat tempo by reducing the frequency of reloads while also improving overall ammo economy. However, the 40% projectile velocity increase from Better Air Pressurizer (T1B) significantly increases the range that CSP shots can remain effective. This effect is necessary if teammates are not contributing. If it is up to the Driller to kill a Menace on the ceiling, then projectiles from the CSP need to be able to reach the ceiling in the first place. Air Sensitive Compound (T1C) increases sludge puddle width by 25% and increases sludge puddle height by 10% when using charged shots or if a regular shot hits the ground instead of hitting an enemy directly, which is not the focus of this build and should be avoided.

Tier 2 Perks:

The +8 regular shot area damage increase from Potent Goo Mix (T2C) is doubled from VIM to +16 regular shot area damage (+50% from combined base + VIM boost of 32 damage) and is critical in getting the most out of regular shots. The extra damage allows for important additional breakpoints to be hit by regular shots as shown in the previous table. The +24 charge shots area damage increase from Dyse Nozzle (T2A) is doubled from WIM to +48 charged shot area damage (+50% from combined base +VIM boost of 96 damage). That is a significant damage increase, but is not as important as the additional damage breakpoints that T2C allows regular shots to reach. Improving charged shot performance from Atomizer Nozzle (T2B) by increasing fragment count by 4 (+50% from base 8 fragments) is once again not a focus of this build, and therefore less valuable.

Tier 3 perks:

Direct damage regular shots cannot achieve as much ammo efficiency as area effects that can damage multiple enemies at once. Therefore, taking More Goo Canisters (T3B) for +40 max ammo (+29% from base 140 max ammo) is an important ammo economy boost that allows the build to handle larger swarms without running out of ammo. If ammo efficiency is the only consideration, then it is better to wait out the 2 second DoT duration before firing another regular shot at a high health target. However, if something needs to die immediately the extra ammo from T3B provides enough reserves to periodically spam regular shots when necessary. Supersaturation (T3A) improves sludge puddle and DoT duration by 50%, but the T3A improvements are reduced from their normal values by the corresponding VIM penalties. This reduces the value from T3A and does not improve the performance of regular shots meaningfully enough to be used.

Tier 4 Perks:

This tier only has options that affect charged shots, which are used infrequently in this build. However, taking Improved Spooling Mechanism (T4B) to reduce charge time by 60% is a very large improvement when charged shots are used. Increasing charged shot responsiveness from T4B can be critical in dangerous situations like when a large Mactera cloud appears. Charged shots do a significant amount of direct damage against Mactera and each fragment from the charged shot also does an additional amount of regular shot damage. Fragments can hit the entire Mactera cloud if aimed towards the middle, which can quickly eliminate them before they can fire back. Despite not taking Spillback Extension (T4A) for reducing charged shot ammo cost by 1 (-20% from base 5 ammo cost), charged shots should still be used at the end of a magazine when convenient. If there is only 1 ammo left in the magazine then a charged shot can only consume 1 ammo instead of the usual 5, which is a great way to improve ammo efficiency.

Tier 5 Perks:

Taking Fluoroantimonic Acid (T5B) improves corrosive DoT damage by 2 damage/tick (+25% from base 8 damage/tick), which is just enough extra damage to hit some of the important breakpoints listed in the table above. Not taking T5B results in certain enemies being left with a tiny amount of health left which requires additional ammo and attention cost to deal with. Taking Protein Disruption Mix (T5A) improves the corrosive DoT slow effect by 25%, the puddle slow effect by 50%, and the combined DoT + puddle slow by 62.5%, which can be nice when using periodic charged shots at the end of magazines. However, the additional utility that an improved slow provides is not as important as the damage breakpoints that T5B hits.

Primary Weapon Alternatives:

The provided alternative weapon builds do not make an effective generalist loadout on their own. They are strong components that need to be combined appropriately across the full loadout to have a tool to deal with every type of combat threat. Typically, one weapon should focus on single target damage while the other focuses on horde clear/area damage. For example, if a primary weapon build specializes in single target damage then the loadout is best when paired with a secondary weapon build that specializes in horde clear/area damage, and vice versa. Once enough of both damage types are incorporated into a build then safety and utility become the next highest priorities.

  • CRSPR Flamethrower [Fuel Stream Diffuser] 23221: The base CRSPR with sticky flames is the most ammo efficient horde clear tool in the entire game across all classes for Hazards 1-5. It requires little attention cost to use and provides a significant amount of safety from the 55% slow it applies to enemies. It struggles with single target damage, but if a high efficiency single target damage tool is not required in the loadout, either a teammate can be relied on for their single target damage or the mission is not Elimination, then there is no better primary weapon in Driller's kit. The lower flow rate from [Fuel Stream Diffuser] is actually an ammo efficiency improvement that allows Heat Radiance (T5A) to be used for a more aggressive brawling playstyle. The additional range allows sticky flames to be placed on distant walls or ceilings when necessary. This build is not meant to do direct damage, paint the ground with sticky flames in front of enemy waves and let sticky flames and the resulting fire spread do the work.
  • CRSPR Flamethrower [Sticky Flames] 23232: This build has the same strengths and weaknesses as the [Fuel Stream Diffuser] build, but is better in modded difficulties. The increased sticky flame damage and duration from the overclock are important when dealing with massive swarms of higher health enemies. However, this build uses up ammo faster than the [Fuel Stream Diffuser] build and the magazine is much smaller so ammo economy and avoiding unfortunate reload timings becomes important to manage.
  • Corrosive Sludge Pump [Disperser Compound] 12221: This build for the CSP is more specialized for horde clear with less single target damage than the recommended VIM build. [Disperser Compound] is best when using charged shots to directly hit multiple enemies in a large wave with fragments while also covering the ground with sludge puddles. With T5A, the combination of ground puddles and direct corrosion apply the strongest slow effect in the game, which is a powerful safety tool. Sludge puddles have difficulty coating walls and ceilings, so the full effect is less flexible than sticky flames, but is still a very effective option.
  • Cryo Cannon [Ice Spear] 11132: Cryo Cannon is a weird weapon in that it does almost no damage on its own but provides an effective way to apply the frozen status on enemies close enough to be affected by Cold Radiance (T5B). Frozen enemies cannot attack and take triple damage, which makes the effect a powerful safety tool and an indirect damage tool. When using the Cryo Cannon most of the damage comes from the secondary weapon and Reinforced Power Drills with T1A, but [Ice Spear] adds a powerful burst damage option for high health targets. This build is a strong generalist weapon in the right circumstances, but can fall apart if teammates bring heat sources. It is also part of Driller's strongest solo loadout when paired with the Colette Wave Cooker alternative secondary weapon build below.

For additional alternative primary weapon options not mentioned above refer to the Modded DRG Buildonomicon made by Vonacht in the Practical DRG discord. Those builds will be specialized for coordinated teams in modded difficulties but serve as strong starting points for generalist builds in Haz5.

Experimental Plasma Charger (EPC)

Persistent Plasma (PP):

This unstable overclock takes the strongest aspect of the EPC, Thin Containment Field (T5B) and makes it even better. Whenever a charged shot detonates it leaves a 3.25 meter radius sphere of Persistent Plasma that lasts for 7.6 seconds, doing 35.56 fire damage per second and slowing enemies by 20%. Persistent Plasma also reduces charged shot direct and area damage by 15 (-25% from base 60 damage), but since penalties to charged shot damage do not affect Thin Containment Field (TCF) explosion damage they do not meaningfully reduce the effectiveness of the weapon. The Persistent Plasma field is great for dealing with large groups of Swarmers/Shredders/Naedocytes and adds additional damage to high health enemies that will not die from a single TCF explosion.

Tier 1 Perks:

Taking Larger Battery (T1B) to improve max ammo by 24 (+20% from base 120 max ammo) allows more TCF explosions to be performed, which is the most effective way to use the EPC. Increased Particle Density (T1A) increasing regular shot damage by 5 (+25% from base 20 damage) and Higher Charged Plasma Energy (T1C) increasing charged shot area and direct damage by 15 (+25% from base 60 damage) do not affect TCF explosion damage and are therefore irrelevant.

Tier 2 Perks:

Reducing heat generation at full charge by 60% from Heat Shield (T2A) makes it easier to chain consecutive TCF explosions without accidental overheating. This makes the EPC more reliable and effective in combat when it would require multiple TCF explosions to handle an approaching swarm. The additional 25% regular shot velocity from Overcharged Plasma Accelerator (T2B) can help deal with distant Web and Acid Spitters a bit better, but the additional TCF utility from Heat Shield is generally preferred.

Tier 3 Perks:

Reducing the ammo cost of charged shots by 2 (-25% from base 8 ammo cost) from Improved Charge Efficiency (T3A) is tempting since it allows the creation of additional TCF explosions before running out of ammo. However, taking Crystal Capacitors (T3B) to reduce charged shot charge time by 0.97 seconds to 0.7 seconds total (-58% from base 1.67 seconds), is substantial enough to allow TCF explosions to be used in combat instead of just for out of combat terrain alteration and mining. The EPC is already ammo efficient enough from the max ammo increases provided by T1B and T4B so the additional combat utility from T3B is generally considered more useful. When played well the EPC will rarely overheat, making the 50% increased cooling rate from Tweaked Radiator (T3C) less valuable than the other options.

Tier 4 Perks:

Taking High Density Battery (T4B) to improve max ammo by 24 (+20% from base 120 max ammo) allows more TCF explosions to be performed, which is the most effective way to use the EPC. Taking Expanded Plasma Splash (T4A) for increased charged shot radius by 1 meter (+50% from 2 meter base) or Reactive Shockwave (T4C) for +15 charged shot area and direct damage (+25% from base 60 damage) once again do not affect TCF explosion damage or radius and are therefore irrelevant.

Tier 5 Perks:

This is the tier that shaped every other tier selection in the EPC build. TCF (T5B) is one of the strongest single perks in the entire game. The perk allows charged shots to be detonated midair when hit by a regular shot to create a large explosion that does 240 damage in a 3 meter radius. The damage and radius of the TCF explosion is not affected by any perks in the tiers, which makes building around it relatively simple. In combat, spending 9 ammo (8 ammo charged shot + 1 ammo regular shot) to do 240 damage from a TCF explosion is the most efficient damage/ammo single target build the EPC can achieve (44.8 damage per 1% ammo). It is equal to the damage/ammo efficiency of [Heavy Hitter] with T1A and T4B without considering additional factors like weak point modifiers or Persistent Plasma damage. However, with the large radius of TCF explosions it is not difficult to hit 5+ enemies with a single explosion, making its damage/ammo efficiency unmatched. TCF explosions excel at everything in combat from single target damage to dealing with swarms. It is especially effective at eliminating Mactera clouds as the TCF explosion will one shot everything except Mactera Brundles. If TCF was not good enough from just its combat applications it also adds incredible utility outside of combat. TCF explosions destroy terrain which can quickly clear obstructions to improve sight lines. It mines minerals caught within the explosion area, which is especially helpful for obtaining high up minerals without a Scout in the group. One note is that minerals mined in this way are violently shot around the cave and do not benefit from buffs like Pots of Gold or Dark Morkite. However, those inconveniences are minor when compared to the overall utility TCF brings to the build. Unfortunately Burning Nightmare (T5A) and Plasma Splash (T5C) are just nowhere near as effective as T5B, making the decision at this tier an easy decision for the time being.

Secondary Weapon Alternatives:

As discussed more thoroughly in the beginning of the Primary Weapon Alternatives section, these alternative builds are strong components of a generalist loadout. They still need to be combined appropriately to ensure the loadout has a tool to deal with every type of combat threat. For Driller secondary weapons, there are none that can rival the utility of the EPC with TCF out of combat, and few that have comparable combat effectiveness.

  • Experimental Plasma Charger [Heavy Hitter] 12322: If consistent TCF shots are difficult to execute in combat due to high ping or lack of practice then this is the best single target damage build across Driller's secondary weapons. It has simple "point and shoot" gameplay and is incredible against frozen enemies, which the Cryo Cannon build above specializes in. This build focuses on regular shot damage in combat but still allows for slow charging TCF shots for out of combat utility.
  • Colette Wave Cooker [Mega Power Supply] 32202: This build should only be paired with the Cryo Cannon build above, because it relies on the extra damage frozen enemies take. It works by causing a chain of on-death explosions from Boiler Ray (T5B), which becomes stronger against larger groups of enemies to chain additional explosions. Groups of Swarmers/Shredders/Naedocytes can also be targeted to quickly trigger multiple Boiler Ray explosions. This allows the build to be a very efficient source of horde clear/area damage, and single target damage if the high health target is surrounded by many weaker enemies. When paired with the Cryo Cannon build above the loadout is arguably the strongest Driller solo loadout. If teammates bring heat sources this combo is significantly less effective.
  • Colette Wave Cooker [Diffusion Ray] 32103: This build should only be paired with either of the CRSPR Flamethrower builds above, but is best with the [Fuel Stream Diffuser] build for its access to Heat Radiance to rapidly apply the fire status to enemies. The build relies on temperature shock to become a powerful horde clear/area damage option, with the ability to do good single target damage if multiple temperature shocks can be applied to an enemy multiple times in a row. Once a group of enemies are on fire [Diffusion Ray] allows the entire group to be targeted at once, causing a chain of temperature shocks that quickly eliminates them all.
  • Subata 120 [Explosive Reload] 2113X (T5A with CRSPR Flamethrower, T5C with Corrosive Sludge Pump): The build specializes in single target damage, with its primary strength being its ability to effectively deal with distant enemies such as Acid/Web Spitters and Menaces. It has passable enough damage to deal with high health targets like Praetorians but the damage is still worse than EPC built for TCF explosions with [Persistent Plasma] or for regular shots with [Heavy Hitter].

For additional alternative secondary weapon options not mentioned above refer to the Modded DRG Buildonomicon made by Vonacht in the Practical DRG discord. Those builds will be specialized for coordinated teams in modded difficulties but serve as strong starting points for generalist builds in Haz5.