Elemental Scout

by Seven on 09/03/2023

Salutes 1

Deepcore GK2

Deepcore GK2 icon
x0 Base Spread
+1 Rate of Fire
x0.73 Reload Time
+3 Direct Damage
+120 Max Ammo
-44.12% Spread per Shot and x0.5 Recoil
+10 Magazine Size
+20% Weakpoint Bonus
+500% Armor Breaking
After killing an enemy, gain +50% Movement Speed and increase Spread Recovery Speed by x12.5 for 2.5 seconds
+2 Rate of Fire
+35% chance to Stun on Weakpoint hit
Bullets of Mercy

Zhukov NUK17

Zhukov NUK17 icon
+100 Max Ammo
+1 Direct Damage
+10 Magazine Size
+8 Rate of Fire
-0.6 Reload Time
+1 Direct Damage
x0.4 Base Spread
+1 Penetration
+30% Weakpoint Bonus
+100 Max Ammo
+33% Direct Damage dealt to enemies either being Electrocuted or affected by Scout's IFG grenade
+50% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds after reloading an empty magazine
Cryo Minelets
Inhibitor-Field Generator
Inhibitor-Field Generator icon

Loadout Guide

This build is really good for dealing with swarms, based on increasing damage using ice and the IFG and building upon that increased damage with the Bullets of Mercy OC to create damage combos that both slow enemies and turn areas into kill zones for both the scout and the rest of the team. A single clip from the Zhukovs can freeze a Praetorean, making it quick work for the Deepcore to follow up with. If any of your teammates are running elemental effects, this build's effectiveness increases greatly. Overall, this is a great build to use everywhere except in Glacial Strata and on Elimination missions.