by [BOAS] Kpwn on 19/06/2024

"Warthog" Auto 210
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
New Pump Action Warthog is a good generalist that packs a punch. When running fat boi its important to have a dependable primary. Ideally one with strong ammo economy. Other strong primaries would include MPA for the warthog, em refire or the new OC for stubby (Not Micro Conductor, the other one), or ECR Lok-1. Fat boi shines when using the lingering effect to the fullest. This works best in the tunnels that dorreta makes and when defending her during the heartstone fight. Lures are also good for keeping bugs off dorreta and in your radiation cloud longer. Take full ammo turrets since the final fight you'll have time to set up. Repellant plats can help guide enemies into bunch to make them easier to nuke, and stunning sentries also keep bugs in the radiation longer. Happy Nuking!