AOE Laser (Feedback Loop)

by Morve on 16/11/2023

Salutes 1

Shard Diffractor

Shard Diffractor icon
+2 Area Damage
+2 Direct Damage
+100 Total Capacity
+33% Weakpoint Bonus
+0.8m AoE Radius
+50 Charge Capacity
-0.8 Recharge Time
Increases the amount of Direct Damage added as Heat from 25% to 100%
+400% Armor Breaking
When damaging an enemy that is either Electrocuted or affected by an IFG, add an additional +33% Direct and Area Damage as Electric-element.
Killing a medium-or-larger enemy refunds 3 ammo to the current Charge Capacity, prolonging the firing duration. This can only happen once every 0.25 seconds.
All enemies damaged by the AoE have their movespeed slowed by 80% for 1 second.
Feedback Loop

Loadout Guide