This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Mic. on 01/07/2023

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Armskore Coil Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
Magic Missile Gunner
Plasma Burster Missiles are now really pretty damn good. Use them to shred big targets with insane ammo efficiency and clear swarms in a pinch. Use the Coil Gun to blast swarms with fire and chip down heavy targets.
"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
This build centres around the new and improved Plasma Burster Missiles OC. Before Season 4 this OC was just "meh", having super inconsistent damage and sometimes just not working as intended. The whole gimmick behind this OC is that rockets can turn so fast that, when you're still aiming at a single target, the rockets will pass through them and repeatedly come back around and hit them multiple times. This makes it trivial to shred big targets with only a couple of rockets. But due to the super fast turn rate, it's actually still pretty good at clearing swarms and isn't just limited to big targets.
T1 - Increased direct damage. Pretty self-explanatory, increasing direct damage will increase the damage every time a rocket passes through the same target. Given how efficient this OC is, taking ammo feels pretty limiting and rarely did I get much use out of the reserve pool.
T2 - Rocket speed and turn rate. This just makes the gun better at what it's already good at and makes it far easier to keep a cluster of rockets centred on the same target.
T3 - Fire rate. If you've ever used the Hurricane, you know how big +1 fire rate is. Letting us gain a much higher DPS with only a single mod.
T4 - Weakpoint damage. Given just how many times a single rocket will pass through the same enemy, you actually get a lot of mileage out of this mod. Not to mention it just shreds rockpox enemies.
T5 - Stun. While there is an argument to be made for Nitroglycerin compound, since your rockets stay in the air for so long, the damage bonus really just isn't strong enough to justify taking it over the stun mod. Stun makes it way easier to keep rockets locked onto the same target and really helps slow down a swarm when needed.
Armskore Coil Gun
Our main crowd-clearing tool. Hellfire is probably one of my favourite overclocks in the entire game. Coating an entire lane of enemies with so much heat that you can just shoot one shot and ignore entire grunt waves. In a world where Volatile Bullets reigns supreme, any other viable Gunner secondary is welcome in my book.
T1 - Ammo. While charge speed is tempting, more ammo is essential to offset the massive penalty we get from taking Hellfire.
T2 - Reload speed. While both Overcharger and Controlled Magnetic Flow are great options, it's important to remember you only get the fire trail from Hellfire on a full charge. Increased reload speed just helps us cover more fodder quicker. This tier is mostly up to personal preference though.
T3 - Fear. Being able to set massive swathes of bugs on fire AND make them run away from you is pretty magical. The heat from Hellfire is more than enough to make them catch fire before running away from the trail. And since we have super consistent stun from the Hurricane, we don't need to take it here.
T4 - Damage resistance. Man, I just love this mod. 50% damage resist is so nice when trying to run away from bugs in a pinch, blocking fall damage or when charging up a shot. I always have my Coil Gun out when just running around and keeping the thing charged so that I get that sweet buff to save my skin when I inevitably make a mistake.
T5 - Electric trail. I've gone back and forth between this mod and the radius increase a couple of times, but given how big the radius is already and with heat spreading it just doesn't provide enough to justify it. The electric trail keeps bugs in the heat for longer AND makes them take extra damage over time.
Largely subjective. I typically take leadbursters because of how versatile they are, but feel free to take cluster grenades if you're struggling with larger swarms. I only recommend against Incendiary grenades since they're made sort of useless by Hellfire.