This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Skull_Mush on 20/05/2023

M1000 Classic
Supercooling Chamber
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Fire Bolt
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Voltaic Stun Sweeper
Loadout Guide
Single Target Primary
- See also: Hipster, Overclocked Firing Mechanism, Overtuned Particle Accelerator, Bouncy Drak, Active Stability System, Bullets of Mercy. Whatever you like.
Fire Bolt / Chemical Explosion Crossbow
- Tier 1: Chemical Explosion. Doubling down on horde clear helps with taking a super specialized single target primary.
- Tier 2: Ammo. Special ammo is also a viable choice depending on what you end up using more. Fire bolt combos tend to be ammo hungry, thus normal ammo is default here. Damage is not recommended since it makes controlling fire bolt AoE more difficult than it has to be.
- Tier 3: Reload/Swap Speed. Best upgrade in slot since you don't really need the extra accuracy at range due to sniper primary.
- Tier 4: Battle Frenzy. See below for deliberate use of this node. Magnetic Shafts T5 also reduces the utility of picking up missed bolts since they'll miss seldom if ever; and fire bolts are straight up not retrievable.
- Tier 5: Magnetic Shafts. Makes it so your aim with crossbow only has to be 'kind of right' while running and gunning.
Grenade: Voltaic Stun Sweeper
Stun sweeper is the nade of choice for this build. Without them you'll have a real bad time vs. Jellies / breeders, and with them you can pull off some really useful combos:
Useful Combos
- 100% Uptime for Movespeed Bonus: Grapple -> Throw Stun Sweeper -> Fire Bolt Spam x2/3 -> Grapple.
Movespeed can be better for kiting than grapple in really enclosed spaces / tight hallways. Is as good as your parkour skill
- Bread n Butter Fire Bolt: Fire 2 bolts [without electricity active nearby] in front of the oncoming horde. This usage is very similar to sticky flames. You can dance around 2 bolts to clear a ton of swarmers as well.
- Fire Bolt direct hit onto slasher or bigger: Will stun them and start the nearby enemies toward igniting. Shoot 1 more bolt directly in front of them and the group will ignite.
- Stun Sweeper -> Chemical Bolt(s). This combo is really damn useful for clearing stuff that's sticking to your buns or helping out teammates. The Stun Sweeper helps stun lock a grunt swarm and let more grunts wander into the Aoe, then the bolt(s) pop and delete them. You can also just plink chemical bolts at stunned stuff after peeling for a teammate with a stun sweeper. Follow up with a couple fire bolts on big groups and move on. This combo works on mactera as well (they take bonus poison damage). You just need to hit a poisoned one to start the chain reaction.
- Stun Sweeper -> Fire Bolt This combo is bad for most grunt swarms (see below for exception), but really expedient for deleting acid spitters and their special waves.
A note about Fire Bolts:
- Ignited enemies deal heat in a radius to other nearby enemies. Thus, Fire bolts work best to nuke large groups (ideally with only 2-3 bolts a pop).
- Fire bolts continue to deal heat AoE while stuck in a corpse. This mechanic can be difficult to use since they straight up kill a lot of grunt size enemies if you dont hit armor. Using [Magnetic Shafts -> Fire Bolt] on enemies on a wall is hilariously bad since the corpses fall away and don't apply heat. However, there are situations where you can use the ragdoll to ignite large groups by faceshotting multiple grunts from the front ranks so they fly backward into the larger group. Follow up with a stun sweeper to make them stay in the heat radius longer and chain ignite.