My Default Scout

by MrExpansion on 22/04/2023

Salutes 1

M1000 Classic

M1000 Classic icon
+40 Max Ammo
+10 Direct Damage
+25% Focus Speed
-30% Spread per Shot, x0.8 Max Bloom, x0.5 Recoil
+220% Armor Breaking
+25% Focused Shot Modifier
+6 Clip Size
+3 Penetrations
+20% Weakpoint Bonus
Focused shots Stun enemies for 3 seconds
Killing an enemy with a Focused Shot to a Weakpoint will inflict 2.5 Fear on enemies within 4m of the kill
Manually reloading within 1 second after a kill reduces reload time by 0.75 seconds

Zhukov NUK17

Zhukov NUK17 icon
+100 Max Ammo
+1 Direct Damage
+10 Magazine Size
+8 Rate of Fire
-0.6 Reload Time
+1 Direct Damage
x0.4 Base Spread
+1 Penetration
+30% Weakpoint Bonus
+100 Max Ammo
+33% Direct Damage dealt to enemies either being Electrocuted or affected by Scout's IFG grenade
+50% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds after reloading an empty magazine
Gas Recycling
Voltaic Stun Sweeper
Voltaic Stun Sweeper icon

Loadout Guide

Here's the scout loadout I consistently use when I have no niche role that I want to fill. I've used it for the longest time, and I'm only saving it to so that I remember what the original build looks like in case I ever want to come back to it. For others thinking about using it, here are some reasons I like it so much:

  • M1000 brings great direct damage and accuracy to the table, and can still provide some crowd control in the form of focused shots with piercing being able to instantly kill any grunts in its' path.
  • Zhukovs with gas recycling offer extra burst damage in times of need (swarmers, naedocytes, etc) and help you escape tricky situations after emptying a magazine into nearby enemies (If you want to, consider swapping gas recycling for cryo minelets. This allows you to still pierce through enemies and kill them in one shot with the M1000 without requiring a charge shot, while still providing a good way to deal with swarmers.)
  • Hoverclock on the M1000 allows you to grab hard-to-reach minerals without the need for an engineer; by focusing before you hit the ground and swapping weapons instead of letting the charged shot fire, you can slow yourself down enough with the hover ability to stop yourself from taking fall damage. It's incredibly powerful and I'd recommend it to any scouts who really dislike the idea of gravity (every scout ever). If you feel comfortable with your skills with a grappling hook and don't feel like you'll need the extra safety net, then consider running Minimal Clips or Active Stability System if it interests you.
  • The voltaic stun sweeper is just good. Not a requirement, any grenade works fine. I'd recommend the boomerang or cryo grenade, but it's more down to preference than anything. IFGs and pheremones can be just as useful.