Glyphid Liquidator

by Mellow on 29/03/2023

Salutes 1

Corrosive Sludge Pump

Corrosive Sludge Pump icon
x2 Magazine Size
+40% Projectile Velocity
x1.25 Sludge Puddle width, x1.1 Sludge Puddle height
+24 Charged Shot Area Damage
+4 Charged Shot Fragments
+8 Regular Shot Area Damage
x1.5 Corrosive DoT duration, x1.5 Sludge Puddle duration
+40 Max Ammo
-1 Ammo per Charged Shot
x0.4 Charge Time
Increases Corrosive DoT's Slow from 35% to 51.25%, and increases the Sludge Puddle's Slow from 45% to 72.5%
Increases the Corrosive DoT's average DPS by +8.8, and increases Sludge Puddle's average DPS by +4
Volatile Impact Mixture

Subata 120

Subata 120 icon
x0 Base Spread
+4 Magazine Size
+48 Max Ammo
+3 Direct Damage
-33% Spread per Shot, x0.5 Recoil
Changes the Subata to fire in bursts of 2 bullets at 20 RoF during the burst. If both bullets hit an enemy, the second bullet gets +350% Armor Breaking. Additionally, -0.25 Mass and -4 Rate of Fire.
-0.6 Reload Time
+75% Weakpoint Bonus
+3 Direct Damage
+48 Max Ammo
+50% Direct Damage dealt to Burning enemies. Bonus damage is Fire element and adds the same amount of Heat, extending the Burn duration.
+1 Blowthrough
Shooting an enemy that is afflicted with Corrosion, Sludge Puddle, or Neurotoxin will apply 2 Status Effects. The first one lasts 5 seconds, and each bullet that hits will increase the DPS by +3.2, up to a maximum of 30 stacks (96 DPS). After its duration expires, you must apply a new instance and start stacking it again. The second Status Effect lasts 4.5 seconds, and its duration can be refreshed. If an enemy dies while the second one is active, then they will explode and damage nearby enemies proportional to the number of active stacks of the first effect. The explosion does (60 + 20*stacks) Typeless Damage, and the radius is (0.5 + SqRt[stacks]) meters.
Tranquilizer Rounds

Reinforced Power Drills

Reinforced Power Drills icon

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge icon

Heavy Drill Suit

Heavy Drill Suit icon
Impact Axe
Impact Axe icon

Loadout Guide

Upgrade Rundown

Soup Blaster (Corrosive Sludge Pump)

T1 can be either increased projectile speed or clip size. I usually prefer the increased projectile speed since it allows me to get away with more empty charges (where you make a charge shot with 1 ammo in the clip)

T2 was an easy pick, as adding more damage to charge shots (though good on paper) in practice leaves you hastily looking for nitra before a swarm finds your location. more damage to regular shots will enable you to make more of less ammo.

T3 is an obvious pick, since this weapon was built for shooting AT the bugs, more ammo is your way to go.

T4 I went with charge speed since needing less ammo to charge is not as important when I really am reserving it for when I need it, or when my clip is low

T5 I went for more damage over time, which was mostly for the sake of making the most of what damage I manage to do.

The overclock I used to do was the clean overclock that buffs the DoT and slowdown for Glyphids hit by the soup directly, now I'm using Volitile Impact Mixture because I hear it was goated (and having tried it via Sandbox, it is in fact pretty strong)

Old Reliable (Subata 120)

T1 can any one of these 3, I for one tend to choose between no base spread and faster reload.

T2 is more ammo (since this gun wasn't meant to slay dreadnoughts)

T3 could easily be any of the 3, but improved accurasy is the better choice from experience

T4 I went with better weakpoint damage as that will enable you to make the most of your shots if you know what your doing.

T5 is obviously going to be corrosive bullets, since bonus damage on burning targets will not come in handy in co-op when nobody brings fire (let alone solo)

Despite the potential of Full auto and the thrill of explosive reload, Tranquilizer Darts was the OC I chose (I actually own it outside of sandbox testing too)