Driller's All-You-Can-Kill Build

by Guardian_Angel on 30/11/2023

Salutes 27

Cryo Cannon

Cryo Cannon icon
x0.33 Pressure Drop Rate
-0.4 sec Chargeup Time
+1 Cold per Particle
+75 Tank Size
+5m Cold Stream Reach
-1 sec Repressurization Delay
x1.75 Pressure Gain Rate
+1.6 Flow Rate
+3 Damage per Particle
+1 Cold per Particle
+150 Tank Size
When a particle from Cryo Cannon damages a Frozen enemy and brings its health below 100 "true" hp, it has a (1 - hp/100) probability to deal the remaining hp as Kinetic Damage.
Cool down enemies within 4m of you at a rate of 60 Cold/sec. This stacks with the direct stream and Ice Path's cold sources as well.
Ice Spear

Colette Wave Cooker

Colette Wave Cooker icon
+2 Damage
+100 Magazine Size
x3 Shot Width
-20% Heat Generation
+2 Rate of Fire
+50% Cooling Rate, -0.5 Overheat Duration
Enemies damaged will have their movespeed slowed by 50% for 1 second
Whenever the CWC damages a Burning or Frozen enemy, it inflicts 50% of its damage as Heat or 75% as Cold (respectively) to all enemies within a 2.5m radius (including the Burning/Frozen enemy itself). This causes the primary target to have an extended Burning or Frozen duration, while also causing nearby enemies to start to Ignite or Freeze.
Press Reload to toggle Wide Lens Add-On off/on. When activated, x1.25 Shot Width in exchange for +110% Heat Generation.
Press Reload to toggle Power Supply Overdrive off/on. When activated, +2.5 Rate of Fire in exchange for x0.1 Shot Width and +40% Heat Generation
x1.3 Damage vs enemies afflicted by Neurotoxin, Corrosion, or Sludge Puddles. Additionally, a 10% chance per ammo to spread Neurotoxin from the primary target to nearby enemies.
Enemies killed by the Wave Cooker have a 50% chance to explode, dealing 100 Explosive Area Damage in a 2.5m radius.
Every time the Wave Cooker damages a Burning or Frozen enemy, it has a 25% chance to trigger Exothermic Reactor. Exothermic Reactor sets the enemy's temperature back to zero, applies Temperature Shock to them (dealing 200 Disintegrate-element damage), and causes the enemy to deal 50 Temperature "damage" in a 2m radius -- Heat if they were Burning, or Cold if they were Frozen.
Mega Power Supply

Reinforced Power Drills

Reinforced Power Drills icon

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge icon

Heavy Drill Suit

Heavy Drill Suit icon
Impact Axe
Impact Axe icon

Loadout Guide

- Are you tired of swarms chewing through your ammo and getting hits in? Freeze and start cooking.

- Are Shellbacks getting on your nerves with how tanky and agile they are? Freeze them and microwave them until they pop.

- Does dealing with Praetorians, Oppressors, Spitballers, Wardens, Menaces etc. make you older by 5 years each? Freeze them and hurl an ice spear in their faces, only takes a few seconds.

- Don't you hate all those pesky trijaws and brundles spitting at you? Freeze them. It's that easy!

- Web/Acidspitters crawling all over the ceiling? Microwave them into submission.

- Rivals came out of nowhere? Why don't they just rel-AXE?

- Huh? You want to take on dreadnoughts on top of all that? No worries, freeze and spear.

- Are you constantly wondering why your teammates keep asking for ammo drops, when you're not even halfway through yours? With this build, you will.

Recommended Perks:

  • Dash - saw that coming, haven't you?
  • Vampire - Put those drills to good use, freeze some grunts and spin 'em up. Who needs red sugar, anyway?
  • Thorns - gets rid of any swarmer or naedocyte hatchling that dared to try and bushwhack you.
  • Field Medic - pretty obvious as well. And frankly quite boring, so let's get a bit more flighty.
  • Berzerker - 10 seconds-worth of power-whackage. For when you really disliked that one swarm or really want that one oppressor off the list.
  • See You In Hell - 3 very strong suicide bombs, that also keep melee enemies away from your breathless body and give your teammates more revival opportunities. Also boosts your melee damage upon getting hit, so you can perforate through whatever was unfortunate enough to commit such a nefarious act even faster!


You can alternate between Impact Axes and HE Grenades. The former are a great supplement to Ice Spear in dealing with chubbies. The latter are a fine choice for shutting down particularly big mactera flocks (provided you're good at timing the fuse), and you also get the chance to steal some kills off your magma diffractor engineer on faraway swarms as a pleasant bonus!