by SDLightowler on 30/07/2024

Corrosive Sludge Pump
Disperser Compound
Experimental Plasma Charger
Persistent Plasma
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Impact Axe
Loadout Guide
This loadout focuses on area denial by creating a flaming sludge pile with plasma lingering over it for massive DoT and slowdown. Three layers of Damage Over Time averaging at 105 DPS. You do the math.
Here's how to maintain it:
- Fire a charged sludge shot on the ground before a swarm approaches you.
- Shoot the sludge pile with the EPC 3-4 times to ignite it. Let the swarm crawl into it and manuever away and around them as necessary.
- Wait about 15 seconds, refresh the sludge pile by firing another charged sludge shot into the pile. The burning effect will carry over to each new pile you add.
- In the case of a Praetorian, Oppressor, or even a Bulk Detonator coming in; fire a charged EPC shot into the pile for the lingering plasma effect for maximum DoT.
- If you want to deal more damage to larger enemies don't forget to throw Impact Axes.
-Born Ready
-Hover Boots (Solo)
-Heightened Senses