This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by GULL1V3R on 31/01/2023

Deepcore GK2
Bullets of Mercy
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
The Specialist
Pheromone Canister
Loadout Guide
Electro bolt for tagging BOM targets. Radio transmitter module is preference but I don't really benefit from speed boost and I like to be able to snipe ceiling bugs on gamepad without worrying abt missing. A couple taser bolts + help from BOM can take care of crowds. You can take IFGs if you want, but taser bolts can do the same thing so I would switch to pheromone bolts.
New BOM buff feels pretty nice, and now it can contend with OFM