by That Goddamn Scout™ on 17/02/2025

M1000 Classic
Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
Seems like 2023 is the year of change, if this build is proof enough.
TLDR: I used to hate Special Powder. I found it to be quite redundant on an already immensely mobile class such as Scout.
Fast forward to a few months when I decided to give it a thorough try: I never felt so happy to be wrong, that thing is amazing.
Building upon this newfound discovery, I have made what I think is the most efficient Scout build possible, be it in terms of mission completion speed, mobility and combat prowess.
The premise of this build is simple: it's all about being fast.
Slap that Active Stability System on your M1K and you get a quick and efficient tool for dispatching HVT (High Value Targets) before your team even has time to notice them, on top of pretty good firepower for larger enemies, in case you need something dead right this instant.
Add Special Powder Boomstick to the mix for reliable grunt clear in a pinch, on top of a great ignition tool and, of course, an amazing mobility option.
Grappling Hook makes full use of Momentum (T4B), granting you not only a speed boost on the ground, but also in the air, making more risky jumps all the more worth it.
Finally, IFGs provide a damage boost for you and your entire team, and a great tool to prevent dangerous situations from happening, by slowing and clumping bugs together, making them way easier to deal with.
As for perks, I've settled on:
- Sweet Tooth, for efficient healing through red sugar on top of a speed boost that stacks with Momentum.
- Born Ready, why reload when you can [insert miscellaneous Scout things].
- Resupplier, a must have, be it only for the resupplying speed.
- Iron Will, a classic.
- Field Medic, pretty self explanatory: since I don't die, I'd better be able to save my mates quickly if need be.
All in all, this build is, to me, the quintessence of Scout.
I tapped into the Speed Force, and there is no going back