This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by ChocoKweh on 28/12/2022

Cryo Cannon
Colette Wave Cooker
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Loadout Guide
The focus of this build is safety and health recovery at high hazard levels. It is not ideal for Industrial Sabotage.
Cryo Cannon: Cryo Cannon’s damage is not as upfront as other weapons. High DPS is achieved by freezing groups of enemies and dispatching them with other methods. Secondary weapons work well, but your primary focus should be freezing groups and deleting them with your drills.
Colette Wave Cooker: Like the Cryo Cannon, this gun doesn’t do a whole lot of damage by itself. Not to worry, it really shines against frozen enemies and can spread the cold. Freeze the leaders of a wave, then switch to the wave cooker and spread the freeze to the other enemies as they catch up! Special Overclock Note: Gamma Contamination can really make up for Driller’s lack of range. Enemies have a 25% chance of being irradiated, and the damage-over-time can kill those pesky bugs on the ceiling. Hit ‘em with little taps of the trigger at extreme range until they start to glow, and they’ll wander off and die for you!
Drills: Barbed Drills is a must! Frozen enemies will melt like butter. Combined it with the Vampire perk, and those bugs will start to look damn tasty.
C4: Player’s choice.
Impact Axe: This thing absolutely nukes frozen enemies. Use them to burst down the big bugs after you freeze them and to conveniently kill frozen Glyphid Guards. Plus, they could as melee for the purposes of the Vampire perk!
Perks: Vampire and See You In Hell are essential for this build (so much free health). In addition, I like to run Thorns, Elemental Insulation, and Iron Will.
Final Thoughts: This build excels at keeping the Driller topped-up on health in the face of any wave. A word of caution, though. This build suffers more than most from bad teamwork, and it’s very easy to go lone wolf. Allies tend to shoot frozen enemies, and they may shoot you while you are trying to grind up enemies for tasty health. When using this build, I die more often to friendly fire than I do to enemies.