This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by ChocoKweh on 28/12/2022

Deepcore GK2
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
The focus of this build is ammo efficiency at high hazard levels. It is not ideal for Industrial Sabotage or Elimination missions.
Deepcore GK2: Electrifying reload has one of the best damage-over-time effects in the game. A single bullet + reload effect will kill regular grunts and seriously damage other enemies. Try to spot waves of enemies early on the ceiling or wall, give them all a bullet or two, reload, and forget. If enemies get close, electrocute them and zip away or switch to your secondary.
Nishanka Boltshark: This weapon brings a ton of utility to Scout’s kit. Bodkin bolts let you hit multiple enemies, and the weapon still does enough to kill regular grunts with a single hit. You can easily cut down a wave with a few well-placed shots. Seriously, Bodkin slaps! Don’t underestimate the power of a pheromone bolt, either. Tagging a praetorian with pheromones won’t do a lot to kill enemies, but it can relieve an immense amount of pressure from your team!
Flares and Grapple: Player’s choice.
Voltaic Stun Sweeper: This weapon is ridiculous. You get 8 of them, and each one can hit up to 9 targets! The damage is weak, but the stun is amazing. They only bounce to enemies in range of the initial target, but the initial target can be on the opposite side of the room. Throw one across the cave to an ally who is having a hard time, and you will make their day. Very notable: The stun is long enough to revive allies.
Perks: Player preference. I like to run Thorns, Born Ready, Sweet Tooth, Iron Will, and Field Medic
Final Thoughts: This build excels on the longest and toughest of missions. Scout can capitalize on the damage-over-time to get an incredible amount of damage out of a single clip of Deepcore bullets, and the Boltshark neatly balances the kit with burst damage and utility.