This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Hasenhai22 on 26/12/2022

Cryo Cannon
Tuned Cooler
Colette Wave Cooker
Diffusion Ray
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Impact Axe
Loadout Guide
This is my go-to Cryo Cannon build. I go basically maximum freezing power on the Cryo Cannon itself, exept for faster turbine spinup since this allows me to start freezing quicker. You go for the usual strategy, freeze crowds and then use the wave cooker to inflict temperature shock on them, or drill them away using Barbed Drills and healing yourself with Vampire in the process. The axe allows you to kill big targets like pretorians and opressors really quickly after freezing them.