by Wubs4Scrubs on 03/02/2025

Deepcore GK2
Zhukov NUK17
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
This build is designed around being the rock for your team, able to rescue doomed situations and save missions that seem lost. The weapons, perks and overlocks all center around being mobile and hard to down, while also having the single target damage to quickly kill high danger enemies. If you thrive under pressure, and enjoy being the last man standing and clutching it out for your fellow dwarves, this is the scout build for you.
- T1 - A high rate of fire combos very well with the AI Stability Engine Overclock since the OC gives you a -2 rate of fire. You also have zero recoil with AI Stability Engine, so there is no penalty to having a very high rate of fire.
- T2 - Burst damage and being able to quickly kill dangerous enemies like Mactera, Praetorians and Spitters is a central focus of this build, so having +3 direct damage per round is very good.
- T3 - High capacity magazine is the obvious choice since we already get a flat zero recoil through the OC.
- T4 - Hollow Point Bullets is once again the must take here since you will be doing nothing but shooting weakpoints with your primary weapon.
- T5 - I take rate of fire again here to further synergize with AI Stability Engine. Stun doesn't work as well with this build since the Clutch it Out Scout is all about killing enemies, and not just locking them down. Plus, you already have your Voltaic Stun Sweeper for locking enemies in place so you can shoot their weakpoints, so the Stun upgrade on top of that is not necessary.
- Overclock - AI Stability Engine is by far my favorite OC for the GK2 assault rifle. Having no recoil to manage makes it easy to swing around with your grappling hook, land and then fire off a long burst to kill something like an Oppressor. It's also fantastic for picking off anything at long range, and is great for killing dangerous enemies before they down you or your team. Spitter on the ceiling across the cave? Warden just spawned on the wall too far for your gunner to shoot? Mactera getting ready to destroy you and your family? Kill all of them with a short burst of your laser accurate GK2.
Use your primary to pick off enemies at medium to long range and eliminate dangerous targets before they can down you or your team. Spitters, Wardens, Praetorians, Oppressors, Mactera and Spitballers are all examples of high damage targets that you should be using your GK2 to eliminate. A notable exception for using your GK2 at close range is if you've stunned a larger enemy like Praetorian in place and have an easy shot on its butt.
- T1 - I take ammo at this tier since you can easily burn through lots of Zhukov ammo quickly. You could take damage if you prefer it.
- T2 - Quickfire Ejector is my favorite upgrade at this tier because it works really well with a mobile playstyle. Being able to dump your Zhukov mags and reload immediately and combined with the Minimal Magazines OC, leaves you with very little downtime where you aren't shooting.
- T3 - Better Weight Balance works well with how I use the Zhukovs as the spread reduction makes it possible to tap fire for headshots on grunts. This makes the weapon a little harder to use, however it also makes it incredibly ammo efficent if your aim is good.
- T4 - Hollow Point Bullets has great synergy with our T3 choice as it rewards tap firing for headshots. It also makes the weapon very strong for bursting down Praetorians or other enemies with rear weakpoints in case your primary weapon isn't loaded or is out of ammo.
- T5 - Conductive Bullets will further enhance your ability to trash clear grunts, and synergizes well with your Voltaic Stun Sweeper. Get In, Get Out could be taken here and would work well enough, however since this build encourages tap firing you will often be reloading without firing your mags empty.
- Overclock - Minimal Magazines is a very basic, but very fun OC that enables you to fire almost constantly with your secondaries. Your reload and fire rate combined with the damage and accuracy upgrades on the build make short work of any enemies that get too close.
Use for trash clearing or as a way to finish off bigger enemies like Praetorians if your GK2 mag wasn't enough. By no means the only build you can take with this weapon. I prefer this one because it's pretty ammo efficient and is very fast and responsive which works well with the mobile and fast paced nature of this build.
I love the Voltaic Stun Sweeper for this build because it is easy to use, extremely versitile, and you can carry 8 of them. You can use it offensively as it makes many weakpoint enemies like Mactera or Praetorians stay still for easy mag dumping with your primary or secondary weapons. You can use it defensively, for stunning packs of enemies in case you get cornered and your grappling hook is on cooldown. And you can use it for utility, as throwing one of these bad boys near where a teammate is down almost guarentees a revive.
Simply put, this grenade is a jack of all trades and synergizes beautifully with every goal that this build has.
- Resupplier - This perk is a good fit with the fast paced nature of this class. In the event you are the last man standing, this perk allows you to quickly resupply and get back in the fight without standing still for long enough to go down.
- Vampire - Just a good perk to always have. Consistent healing from using your power attacks is always good.
- Thorns - Delete swarmers that get too close? Yes please.
- Field medic - This is what I consider the core perk of this class. You will be doing a ton of reviving with this build if you are playing correctly, and Field Medic allows you to swoop in and get clutch revives before grappling back out to safety.
- Iron Will - Another all around good perk that most builds run. If you do end up going down before the rest of your team, this perk will allow you to have one last chance to clutch it out and save the day. This perk could be swapped for something else if desired. If you do this, consider also swapping out Resupplier as it combos very well with Iron Will.
Headshots, headshots, headshots! Burst your GK2 with a few shots at a time for easy picking off of any enemy at medium range like Grunts or Mactera. For more mobile or weakpoint enemies, use your boomerang to immobilize them for easy weakpoint shots. This is very important for dealing with Praetorians, as you should get in the habit of doing the combo of Voltaic Stun Sweeper -> Grapple behind them -> Mag dump with your GK2.
Your secondaries are much better at close range, so use them to clear out groups of Grunts or Swarmers that manage to survive your tap firing at longer range.
In summary, this build rewards being mobile and finding weakpoint angles. Grapple everywhere all the time and take your headshots where you can find them with your primary. Murder every Praetorian, Oppressor, or Warden you see easily with your laser gun assault rifle.