This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Lazelik on 18/12/2022

"Warthog" Auto 210
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
Primary: Warthog, Cycle OVerload, 21321 Since we're going for single target secondary, this primary should be able to handle most swarms so the general idea is for it to be high rof with large mag size and ammo pool plus turret whip to clear horde.
Secondary: PGL, Hyper propellant, 21312 Simply go for more shots! Aoe dmg and radius means nothing for this build. Homebrew give averagely more dmg and tier5 spiky is the only option here. Most single target enemy should be able to one-shotted in the weakpoint except H5 praetorian, bulk and Dread class.
Nade: plasma burster
Perks: passive - strong arm, sweet tooth, born ready active - dash, berzerker
PickaxeU: double dmg
CompatibleMissionTypes: - mining - elimination
PlayStyle: This is a generally good build that can handle any enemy type no problem. Turrets are made to be mobile and quick to set up since you wanna clear your path to the next room fast in h5. Hyperpropellant pgl, the star of the build, it has the highest raw direct dmg in the game and serves as one of the best single target option in engi's kit. You can one-shot most of the bugs in the game and those with high hp pool won't give you much trouble at all. Your warthog is build to stay with you as long as possible since hyperpropellant has high consumption rate, the warthog is generally best designed weapon in the game combine that with turret whip, this gun alone can single handedly clear a horde without much trouble and gemini turret, allows you to double trigger the super shot into the praetorian and deal tons of dmg overall! In my opinion, Oppressor is my all time anti-engi bug until I start using berzerker with double dmg pickaxe. It felt so good able to smack him to the ground in a few swings and waste no ammo on that bullet sponge at all hhh.